Frustrated - 3 weeks no loss.


I started this back in November and lost 11 pounds so far but for the past 3 weeks I've been stuck between 217-219. I was 219 at Christmas! I hate seeing this on the scale again.

I am eating about 1700-1800 calories (yesterday was a low day) I am hypothyroid on medication but have been forgetting to take it lately. Could that be the reason? I am also on Seroquel and Loxapine (for Bipolar Disorder) I was exercising but have taken the winter off that was only about 200 calories burn twice a week.

My diary is open. Please help.



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    If you aren't currently using a food scale, weighing everything and logging religiously, no skipping, cheating or forgetting, start there.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    sjd421 wrote: »
    As a fellow hypo, for more reason than weight lose, you need to figure out how to remember to take your meds daily. It is so important for your overall health!

    This is great advice. Set an alarm or a reminder on your phone, white a reminder on the fridge, leave the bottle next to your toothbrush so you will see it and remember. You are important and your health is important.
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    Be careful of the little nibbles as well, they add up too. And they're easy to forget to log, I know I've been guilty of it. Just remember you have control, you can fix whatever's going on that's stopping you from losing weight.
  • Iwantahealthierme30
    Iwantahealthierme30 Posts: 293 Member
    Little nibbles isn't a problem, I logged one frozen cherry the other day, haha
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    It's also possible your TDEE is less after losing. Definitely follow what others have said and get a food scale so you can tract more accurately, here's a website you can use to look up foods to ensure you're getting an accurate calorie count:
  • JMcGee2018
    JMcGee2018 Posts: 275 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    JMcGee2018 wrote: »
    If you forget your thyroid medication your metabolism will slow and you will need a much higher deficit to lose weight. Get back to taking your medication on a regular schedule (same time every day, set an alarm if you need to) and that should help a lot.

    Sorry, that's not how it works. On the onset of hypothyreoidism the BMI might go down up to 4%. However, being poorly medicated can lead to increased water weight and feeling *kitten* and moving less. And eating more. All those lead to a weight gain.

    HypERthyroidism leads to significant weight loss. HypOthyroidism, which OP says she has, can lead to fatigue and weight gain. I know because I was tested for that reason, plus a family history. Turns out I just eat poorly lol.
  • db121215
    db121215 Posts: 60 Member
    I noticed the yogurt you're eating with breakfast is pretty high in calories for one cup. If you can stomach greek non-fat plain yogurt, that will shave off more then 150 cals from breakfast alone. Plus you'll get double the protein which may help you stay satisfied longer. What I found works the best for me is to eat foods with the most nutritional value overall. Less cheese, dairy, breads, as they quickly eat away your calorie allotment for the day. Don't have to go without entirely, just eat it when you can balance it out, maximizing the calories you eat each day. Good luck, every time we eat something is a new chance to give it a fresh go!
  • Iwantahealthierme30
    Iwantahealthierme30 Posts: 293 Member
    Yeah, I stopped eating that, it's just that I had it. I found one with lower calories now and not always eating it for breakfast.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member