Is it just me or do you have a picture in your head of what you look like and when you look in the mirror you look nothing like you imagine? Even at my smallest 155 I still always felt bigger then all my friends. I think the mind really place games with your head. I look back at pictures from 6 YEARS ago when I thought I was fat and I wished I looked like that now. I'm currently 171 and a size 8 -10. Definitely average size but always striving to be the best me. I wish I would have appreciate how I looked. I know it's not much smaller but I have a large frame and carry my weight evenly and at this weight I feel good. Have you struggled with this?


  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Progress pictures are key for me because the mirror lies to me a lot of the time.