Going to do it this time!

I have been trying to lose weight for over 30 years. I’ve lost significant amounts of weight over the years only to gain it back plus some. At my highest I was 306 pounds, that was about 7 years ago. I started MFP 11 days ago at 236 and I am currently 229. Yes, I am aware that the initial weight loss is mostly water, and my goal is is lose 2 pounds a week. In 2016 I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer ... I had surgery to remove the cancer which resulted in removal of part of my colon, but they got it all and as a result no radiation or chemo was necessary (thank God). Three months later I needed a total hysterectomy... so two major surgeries in three months ... not fun!! I have type 2 diabetes and have a lot of trouble controlling my blood sugar ... thankfully at my last visit to the doctor we decided to try a new med which has gotten it under control ☺️ I have decided to take control of my life and get myself as healthy as possible ... finally lol. That said when a friend suggested MFP as a weight loss tool I decided to give it a try. I LOVE it!!! My goal is to lose 101 pounds ... I am 5’5” and have set my weight goal at 135. I got a FITBIT for Christmas which I love because it syncs with MFP to include my daily steps and exercise, and I have joined Planet Fitness. This time I’m going to do it!!! I would love to have some MFP friends!! Please add me ☺️☺️