Getting past the plateau...

So, it feels like I've been stuck at the same freaking weight for way too long. I know I need to change something to give myself a boost past. I'm trying to get into a very rigid routine - I have planned out my three workouts/week, and really focusing on eating much better and drinking my water. I never usually eat back all of the calories I burn off during a workout, but after some workouts (depending on how busy I will be that day or not) I follow it with a protein shake because I find if I don't, I am a bottomless pit and could just eat and eat and eat and eat....

Just before Christmas, I had an extremely stressful week or two with work and with the stress, actually lost a few pounds and thought I had finally beat the plateau - once the stress was gone, so were the #s. UGH. I also found when I was drinking a lot of coffee (I drink with no sugar just milk, cream, or a 35cal flavored creamer) I was losing a bit more weight than normal.

I'd love to find some friends who are active on MPF and will help keep me motivated and accountable on this plateau-busting January/February! XO


  • klkc2005
    klkc2005 Posts: 41 Member
    I feel your pain. I’ve been stuck for over a month and getting frustrated but not giving up! Feel free to add me if you want.