Carbs, no carbs....I’m so confused

I am still pretty new to MFP premium. I am trying to get a good game plan and I am so confused. I know that low carb, high protein diets are what some people do while others say it’s all about calories. I’d surely welcome some thoughts and suggestions. Thanks so much!


  • Southpawcj
    Southpawcj Posts: 12 Member
    Oh my stars! I never dreamed I’d get so much help and so quickly! I want to thank y’all so very much for your guidance! Y’all are great!
  • Southpawcj
    Southpawcj Posts: 12 Member
    One quick question.....what are you thoughts on diet drinks/diet sodas??
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    I enjoy a diet soda every afternoon with my lunch. It's zero calories and tastes good, I get bored with plain water.
    A well balanced diet with my plenty of nutrient dense foods still can make room for snacks and treats . If you want a regular pop , that is fine too. Just make room for it in your calorie allotment. I don't have much room so pick a diet soda instead.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    megs_1985 wrote: »
    Southpawcj wrote: »
    One quick question.....what are you thoughts on diet drinks/diet sodas??

    They have no calories, so they have no bad effect on your weight loss.

    Some people claim that the artificial sweeteners make them crave sugar and then they overeat, but I have not found that to be the case with me personally.

    Scientists think the sweetness tricks your brain into releasing insulin anyway in preparation of the incoming sugar but then when it’s not there you just have extra insulin floating around which may or may not lead to insulin sensitivy. I’m sure having too many could be bad for this reason but if it’s something you like then having it in moderation probably won’t do any long term damage.

    They may be a theory that espouses that but all the theories regarding diet beverages so far have shown nothing more than a corollary relationship between diet beverages and weight gain and nothing causative regarding insulin triggers or anything else. Correlation =/= causation.
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Southpawcj wrote: »
    One quick question.....what are you thoughts on diet drinks/diet sodas??

    Do a search in the forums for it. There have been numerous discussions.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    megs_1985 wrote: »
    Southpawcj wrote: »
    One quick question.....what are you thoughts on diet drinks/diet sodas??

    They have no calories, so they have no bad effect on your weight loss.

    Some people claim that the artificial sweeteners make them crave sugar and then they overeat, but I have not found that to be the case with me personally.

    Scientists think the sweetness tricks your brain into releasing insulin anyway in preparation of the incoming sugar but then when it’s not there you just have extra insulin floating around which may or may not lead to insulin sensitivy. I’m sure having too many could be bad for this reason but if it’s something you like then having it in moderation probably won’t do any long term damage.

    It is a bit misleading to say "scientists think". Some researchers have looked at some data and theorized perhaps that might happen. But considering diabetics are routinely encouraged to switch out regular soda for diet soda, and they are constantly monitoring their numbers, one would think there would be plenty of evidence if this really happens. And there isn't. Also, we have a pretty good handle on how the body monitors blood sugar levels and releases insulin, and it does not happen based on taste. Otherwise eating stuff like mint (which hits the sweet taste receptors on the tongue) would have the same effect.

  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Southpawcj wrote: »
    One quick question.....what are you thoughts on diet drinks/diet sodas??

    You will pry my Diet Coke from my cold, dead hands.
