How many lbs has everyone lost..



  • robanntyler
    robanntyler Posts: 24 Member
    Down 75 so far
  • Ekoth1017
    Ekoth1017 Posts: 100 Member
    So far 6
  • Wingsont84
    Wingsont84 Posts: 335 Member
    18 so far
  • Flossie1981
    Flossie1981 Posts: 160 Member
    10 in 3 weeks
  • Bellsz28
    Bellsz28 Posts: 7 Member
    My lbs to kg mental converter is a bit iffy. Lost 6kg today. Feels good to share it here - its a bit weird to tell people in everyday conversation!
  • thundercat_982
    thundercat_982 Posts: 3 Member
    Lost 70 but gained 20 back. So 50
  • aquamarinex
    aquamarinex Posts: 42 Member
    11 so far plus the 3 I put back at Christmas. 17 to go still :-)
  • BuckeyeYogi
    BuckeyeYogi Posts: 4 Member
    CharLouu27 wrote: »
    mvbwc wrote: »
    I’ve lost 12lb in one week from just giving up chocolate/sweets and not eating after 6pm
    I realise this week coming probably won’t yield any weight loss, but I’m still delighted to get off to such a positive start.

    That's fab. I've given up sweets and chocolate too my 1st week Ibe lost 7lbs but my biggest weekness is eating at night.
    CharLouu27 wrote: »
    CharLouu27 wrote: »

    @CharLouu27 I’m right there with you! I have zero morning appetite and my biggest meals and snacking happens at night. Trying hard to slowly shift my calorie intake to earlier in the day!
  • BuckeyeYogi
    BuckeyeYogi Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! BuckeyeYogi from Ohio here. I’m down 13+ pounds so far in just over two months. Considering that was even with all the holiday eating, I’m pretty happy with that so far!
  • 10lbs so far another 60 to go
  • bandwidthbandit
    bandwidthbandit Posts: 74 Member
    -24lbs. since Jan 1st.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    28lbs. In maintenance for almost 5 years.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    edited January 2018
    Down 50.4 in about 10 months. I've actually hit a little bit of a stall but another 45ish is what I hope to lose in the next year and a half (thats a very loose goal if I make it awesome, if I dont no big deal!)
  • edgoldsmith
    edgoldsmith Posts: 6 Member
    200 lbs down to 135 lbs...took me way more than 205 days, though!
  • BasedGawd412
    BasedGawd412 Posts: 346 Member
    Gained 4lbs in a matter of 2 days lol... I gotta go easy on the cheat days.
  • amandakaye97
    amandakaye97 Posts: 4 Member
    I am back at it. I started my journey last January 2017 and managed to lose 50-60lbs by June. Then we went on a cruise and I fell off the wagon hard. Stopped everything. Gained all back but 20. I started back 3 weeks ago and have lost 15 since. So total of 36 from my heaviest. I am on my way. I finally have control of my eating again. I was eating just to eat before, wasn't even hungry just bored I guess. The picture on the left was from last year and the one on the right is me now. I finally have my motivation back. Excited to see where I go. I have a lot more to do, but I will keep trying till I succeed. Good luck to all!! tspeqsvmv4e9.jpg
  • BNY721
    BNY721 Posts: 125 Member
    60 lbs initially..but I felt I was too thin for my frame and gained back 9 lbs. I feel good where I am at and have been maintaining at this current weight for a year.
  • CharLouu27
    CharLouu27 Posts: 10 Member
    I am back at it. I started my journey last January 2017 and managed to lose 50-60lbs by June. Then we went on a cruise and I fell off the wagon hard. Stopped everything. Gained all back but 20. I started back 3 weeks ago and have lost 15 since. So total of 36 from my heaviest. I am on my way. I finally have control of my eating again. I was eating just to eat before, wasn't even hungry just bored I guess. The picture on the left was from last year and the one on the right is me now. I finally have my motivation back. Excited to see where I go. I have a lot more to do, but I will keep trying till I succeed. Good luck to all!! tspeqsvmv4e9.jpg

    Wow you look amazing well done x
  • CharLouu27
    CharLouu27 Posts: 10 Member
    CharLouu27 wrote: »
    mvbwc wrote: »
    I’ve lost 12lb in one week from just giving up chocolate/sweets and not eating after 6pm
    I realise this week coming probably won’t yield any weight loss, but I’m still delighted to get off to such a positive start.

    That's fab. I've given up sweets and chocolate too my 1st week Ibe lost 7lbs but my biggest weekness is eating at night.
    CharLouu27 wrote: »
    CharLouu27 wrote: »

    @CharLouu27 I’m right there with you! I have zero morning appetite and my biggest meals and snacking happens at night. Trying hard to slowly shift my calorie intake to earlier in the day!

    I've stopped eating after 6pm for the past 2 nights hopefully il stick too it lol
  • CharLouu27
    CharLouu27 Posts: 10 Member
    Well done everyone. X