I need friends to be hard on me and keep me in check!

Hey guys! I’m am notorious for starting a diet and then giving up less than a week in. I’m married with 4 kids and not one of the five people in my house is interested in dieting with me. If you think you can give me the tough love I need please add me.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If you want tough love, here you go: Stop the diets, just use your food diary and eat the food you want, but in appropriate amounts. You are only accountable to yourself. You have to eat less yourself, but you don't have to do it alone. The community here is great.
  • theabsentmindednurse
    Until you make the decision to be accountable to yourself, than you will stay on the cycle you are on.
    The decision is yours. This is a LIFETIME COMMITMENT!
    Not a diet!
    It’s CICO.
    Log your information into MFP accurately.
    Then start eating within your daily caloric allowance.
    You don’t even have to change what you are eating.
    Just weigh and measure everything you eat and drink accurately and log it.
    Over time you will learn how many calories are in what you eat, and make healthier changes.

    For now. JUST START.
    Take it a day at a time.
    But realise this will take a long time.
    It takes CONSISTENCY and COMMITMENT to achieve results.
    The decision is yours.