When to know that you can train ?

I have been ill with the cold. I have not trained since Thursday. Thursday, I was begining to get symptoms of the cold and Friday was when the cold began. I have been resting and drinking lots of fluid.

I am still feeling the cold. The nose is stuffy, eyes are burning, head is heavy. I am feeling better than yesterday. I dont want to miss the gym more. I was wondering when would I know that it is ok to train ?


  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    For the respect of others at your gym, it would be best to stay away until you are no longer pose a threat of spreading your virus. Generally 1 - 7 days post onset.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    If it's above the head and you don't have a fever, you can do light workouts. Save the intense workouts for when it clears up completely. Most importantly listen to your body. If you feel absolutely drained, then just rest and take it easy.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    you can always try training and just skip it if your body's not into it - IF you're not using a public space.

    if you're using a public space and touching equipment that lots of other people will touch, it's more considerate to just tell yourself it's a rest phase. stay home and do bodyweight stuff for a while, or work on some other chore like mobility or whatever. you're not going to disintegrate for taking a week off, especially if you've been sick. and especially not if you find something else to fill in the gap. teach yourself to do turkish getups or something else that doesn't need weights because you're just learning the basics on it.

    also: sneezing while you have a bar on your back is a pretty bad scene :wink: