Sodium and Weight Gain...

mm3898 Posts: 138 Member
So I stepped on the scale today and I weighed 2 pounds more than I did last time I weighed in... I have only gone over my calories a couple times, but even then MFP said I was still on track to be losing. I have counted everything meticulously and exercised a LOT so I'm not sure what is going on...
I had a lot of salty things over the weekend: salted mixed nuts, goat cheese, artisan bread w/ cheese and spices *it TASTED salty*, chex mix, etc.... Obviously it wasn't the healthiest stuff, but I didn't eat a ton, just a bit of each. Could eating a ton of salt really cause this much weight "gain"/water retention that looks like weight gain? I'm just concerned... I have really worked hard!


  • solvig
    solvig Posts: 25
    Salty foods make you retain water which is showing by the weight gain. Lay off the sodium for a day or two and up your water intake and you should be able to shed that water weight quick enough.
  • JenUB
    JenUB Posts: 84
    Definitely. Salt is the culprit. I frequently gain 4 or 5 pounds in water on weekends. Then on Monday, I get back on track, drink a bunch of water, and pee for two days straight! The crazy things we do to our bodies! :ohwell: