Shin Splints!!



  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Thanks guys!! But like even now, day after a workout. I'm laying in bed and my shins are throbbing a little and if I put any pressure on them, it hurts!
    I think I will deff go back to the elliptical. Haha I'm not made for running!!! And I don't want to give myself full on stress fractures

    Are you new to running?

    Yeah I'm new to running!! I usually would use the elliptical or bike for cardio. I wanted to start jogging to get my heart rate up and try new stuff.

    You probably just need to slow down a bit until your legs adjust to being on normal pavement, maybe start with some intervals, walking for a couple of mins then jogging then back to walking or use the C25K app which is pretty popular for starting or getting back into jogging/running.