Looking for diet buddies

xrehx Posts: 12 Member
edited January 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Today is the first day of what will hopefully be a new chapter for me. I have to lose more than 5 stone that's about 72lbs to get back to the weight I feel happiest. This number is huge and the changes I have to make seem daunting. I want to lose the fat but I also want to eat healthily I want to make every calorie count but the only danger there is that I'm going to be too strict, fall off the wagon and go back to my old bad habits.
Really I think eating rubbish was initially just a bad habit but then the emotional eating started when I hit a really rough patch and it's escalated to this massive weight gain. I feel like I've lost control of what I eat seems like food is controlling me. It's not a good situation. Time for change!!! Fingers crossed :-) it would be lovely to have some diet buddies for motivation so please add me as a friend for that all important moral support that we can give each other since we're all in the same boat. Good luck to you whatever stage you're at on your weight loss journey!


  • Kacemus
    Kacemus Posts: 4 Member
    Hey ! Great message !
    I am doing the same thing ... I have around 20lbs to lose .. I never thought I would be considering doing so ..but hey ! There is a beginning for everything :)

    Best of luck ! And you are not alone :) !
  • suerow92
    suerow92 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to lose about 30 lbs. I lost 50 a couple years ago and have gained about 20 back. I really want to get motivated and lose more. Last time I did low carb but tried to maintain under 50 carbs a day and found it impossible to maintain long term. Now I’m trying to stay under 100 a day and cut out sweets. Cookies are the hardest for me to give up. I am so addicted to sweets. I tend to reward myself with sweets especially if I’ve had a rough day. Looking for support to get me through this!
  • webby39
    webby39 Posts: 73 Member
    Good luck on this journey
  • caroteicher
    caroteicher Posts: 1 Member
    Today I’ve re-set my goals.
    I have 13kg = 28lb = 2st to downsize. My low back can’t take any other gram.
    I had a hernia many years ago and the pain makes me feel very old and limits the every day life...
    I had also a rough time with emotional over-eating.
    I want to feel confident, strong and fit again.