220 pounds and struggling to stay motivated :(

I started at 219 pounds (5 foot 5), today I am 216.8 pounds. I'm really starting to lose motivation. The diet Itself isn't hard- it's just staying motivated! I just can't stop thinking about how far away my goal Weight is (150 pounds). It seems like I'm never going to get there and then I just give up. And then I start thinking If I'd started a year ago, I'd be at my goal Weight by now! I never usually get past 1-2 days of a diet, so I just feel I'm never going to get there. Sorry to write such a pessimistic post I'm just really struggling. I'm 18 and I feel like I really need to do this, not only for looks, but for my future health!


  • 69HealthyMe
    69HealthyMe Posts: 24 Member
    Just take it one day at a time.
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Also, if you like some specific advice on a sensible eating plan to help you get to your goal, there's a ton of very helpful information right here in the forums. The pinned posts (stickies) at the top of the pages are a great place to start.
  • Icandothis1415
    Icandothis1415 Posts: 7 Member
    Not to be harsh, but you need to forget about the idea of motivation. It's clearly not going to get you there.

    You need to develop a clear and specific plan and follow it. Focus on small changes and give yourself a chance to get used to one or two before you add on something else.

    I'm guessing you go all out crazy with your "diet" that's not even remotely realistic. Step back, get some perspective, make a reasonable plan you can stick with because it's not too restrictive and get to work.

    And like the posted above said, take it one day at a time.

    I truly wish you all the best.

    Thankyou, I think you are right. I've been trying to do 1200 calories and lots of exercise. I'm going to keep looking on this forum for some ideas to create a plan.

  • SteamPug
    SteamPug Posts: 262 Member
    For the record, if you’re doing the minimum of 1,200 calories (and for any goal that MFP gives you) you are supposed to eat back what you exercise off. So don’t be pushing yourself so hard and starving doing it when you could be eating more and still losing ^^
    Not to be harsh, but you need to forget about the idea of motivation. It's clearly not going to get you there.

    You need to develop a clear and specific plan and follow it. Focus on small changes and give yourself a chance to get used to one or two before you add on something else.

    I'm guessing you go all out crazy with your "diet" that's not even remotely realistic. Step back, get some perspective, make a reasonable plan you can stick with because it's not too restrictive and get to work.

    And like the posted above said, take it one day at a time.

    I truly wish you all the best.

    Thankyou, I think you are right. I've been trying to do 1200 calories and lots of exercise. I'm going to keep looking on this forum for some ideas to create a plan.

  • Icandothis1415
    Icandothis1415 Posts: 7 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    Motivation is fleeting and is tied to your emotions. You need to make a logical decision.

    Do you get up and go to work every day? Do you require motivation? You get up and do it even though you don't want to some days, even though you'd rather stay in bed, because the end of the story is - if you don't go to work, you lose your job and you can't pay your bills.

    This is the same thing. You need to want to see that story ending (of being at goal weight) more than you want just give up and eat too many calories.

    I've been struggling for years and years with this - 15 years in fact since I first became aware - or rather, first accepted the fact - that I am obese. I've been obese for 15 or more of the last 20 years!!! And I was so motivated, then not motivated, then motivated - I truly let my emotions make my decisions.

    Until you see weight loss as a necessary thing you have to do for your health, rather than something to do because you "feel motivated to do it" - you will fail - as I have since 2003.

    This time I am looking at it like I do any other thing that I HAVE to do - that I MUST do. I have responsibilities and I can't do them if I wait till I "FEEL" like it.

    Thankyou for writing such a detailed post! I definitely need to stop tying my emotions to food. I need to realise why I NEED to do this- and I don't think I've done that yet. I'm going to try to think more logically about it!
  • losergood2011
    losergood2011 Posts: 172 Member
    At 220 you should be eating more than 1200 calories. Set up myfitness pal to help you follow their calorie recommendations and then anything else you do is pure bonus! If you walk - guess what - bonus! if you get 11 glasses of water in - Bonus! If you pass by that treat - Bonus - or if you have extra calories you might get to eat more realistically for you.

    No wonder your losing motivation its not sustainable. You can do this! I bet you can make it to 210 soon! then break that 200 - then onward!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I am 234 and I eat anywhere between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. Plus I eat back some of my exercise calories.
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    i was 216.8 today also! How active are you?? I am eating quite a bit more calories for you. Add me as a friend if you'd like!!!!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    First of all, good for you taking steps to improve your health at the age of 18. It took me until age 48 to get a clue!

    One thing that helped me was realizing that it's not a matter of being on a diet for a long time. You are not on a diet, and there is no time limit. You are fixing your life by eating the way you need to eat, and you need to do this for the rest of your life! If you think of it as a diet, you will gain every pound back when you return to the way of eating which made you overweight in the first place. Once you realize that this is your life, and you need to live it right, everything starts to fall into place. You don't need to suffer now to be happy later. Start working on being happy now - find things you enjoy eating and doing which make you happy AND fit your goals.

    Figure out why you were overeating in the first place and figure out ways to change your situation to make it easier to eat the right amount. Bored? Find something to do. Emotional eater? Find solutions to problems instead of eating to ignore them. Parents make fatty food? Figure out ways to improve the situation - maybe your mother would be interested in learning some healthier recipes, or maybe you can eat fewer meals with your family. Friends like to go out for junk food? find other places to go.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    OP, there's been some great advice given! Take a look at the posts under Getting Started http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10300331/most-helpful-posts-getting-started-must-reads#latest
    Chock full of great information by people that have been exactly where you are now. Don't beat yourself up, keep the positivity about the good things you are doing for yourself.
    I wish you the best of luck on your journey :)
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    edited January 2018

    A lot of good advice given here. The one thing I want to touch on with you... if you think that the amount you have to lose is overwhelming for you. I started at 254.6 and I'm currently at about 173 with 8/9 pounds left to go. I felt overwhelmed by the amount I needed to lose as well in the beginning. How I did it was to do it in 10 pound chunks. Get under 250, get under 240, get under 220, etc. This will make it much more doable for you and you won't feel as overwhelmed. You are young and you have your whole life ahead of you. Don't make the same mistake some of us older people have made. If you get it under control now and maintain it will be a habit and you will be healthy for the rest of you life.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Melissa that is what I am doing this time around. Instead of looking at it as 100lbs... I am doing 25lbs at a time.
  • ryan97401
    ryan97401 Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2018
    Don't give in! I'm 5'5'' 232 lbs. My goal is 135 lbs (that's the healthy weight for my height) but my ultimate goal is to get into the routine of good eating. I would always overeat and its what bit me and got me to my size I am but I recently started at 2000 calories a day and was like, "I can do better" so I bumped it down to 1,900 and started walking regularly (one day I did 6 miles in a day but my average is about 2 miles, just walking to the store and back) and then today, I decided to continue my exercises but bring my calories down to 1,500. Replenishing as I exercise. You can do, don't give up! Remember, a diet is temporary...you're changing your lifestyle
  • ryan97401
    ryan97401 Posts: 6 Member
    Since I have really started tracking my weight, I've lost about 5 lbs over 3 weeks or so, it's rough but can be done, it's nailing down a routine :)
  • ChazzyEvilKitty2014
    I'm the same height and weight as you. We got this :')