Hello everyone! started my journey 1/19/2018

Hello ,
My name is Kay I am a mother of 3 who of course selflessly put her babies above everything including herself. Its my turn now to take control of my life my weight and most of all to get a new lease on LIFE. I live in California near Los angeles about 20 mins out from DTLA I am very open to new friends and most of all to being a support system for you!
My goals are to lose about 65 lbs in total but I need to lose 21 lbs by april 6 in order to get the gastric sleeve ( please dont judge)

hope to hear from you soon



  • GlorianasTears
    GlorianasTears Posts: 212 Member
    Hello and welcome to the community lots of people will be glad to help motivate you on your journey!
  • sebboogiedog
    sebboogiedog Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome. Anyone Feel free to add me
  • xWintersKnightx
    xWintersKnightx Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome. Add me and I will support when I can. Im not the best motivator as I tend to get busy and forget things for some reason.
  • abelalvarez63
    abelalvarez63 Posts: 33 Member
    You can add me if you like I would like to motivate as I am inspired and motivated by you success let’s do it my name is Abel Alvarez I have lost 56 lbs and continuing one day at a time life style change
  • coy013
    coy013 Posts: 6 Member
    Today is my first day as well so welcome :-) (im in LA) as well