Running question

Every time I try and run my shin bones hurt so bad like they are going to snap! It's not the muscles, it feels like the bones. It does this even if I try to run just a little.

This has happened to me before evn when I was lighter and in better shape. Is there anythin I can do about this or jsut accept I'm not a runner.:ohwell:


  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    It sounds like shin splints to me. I get that every spring when I've been inside all winter. After about a week it usually goes away for me. Go to, I believe they have an issue on there about shin splints and different exercises you can do before running to try to prevent that from happening.

    Don't give can be a runner!
  • battistereader
    Do you have good/new running shoes? Watch how you're running and placing your foot on the path you're running. That might have something to do with it. If you're running on a road, try to stay near the center of the road, where it's most even.
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    A couple of things to try... 1) start of slower, like a really slow jog, then gradually get faster 2) you might need new shoes. Make sure you have good running shoes, they make a HUGE difference. Good luck.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Thanks girls. I have good running shoes. They are Asics. I also notice on my left foot my 2 little toes go kinda numb. Maybe I should go get checked at a running shoes store???

    It hurts even when I go slow.
    Thanks for the tips! I'm hoping to fix the problem and try runnning!!!
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    It seems your shoes may be too small??? I always buy my running shoes a half size bigger than I normally wear. Your feet can swell during exercise. I dunno?....
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Best advice I was ever given on the same subject was to go to a running store and get fitted for the proper shoe. The way that your feet hit the ground (on your toes, on your heels, rolling to the outside or inside of your foot) affect how it feels when you run.

    I went and found I over pronate (roll to the outside of my feet) and with a proper insert and a good shoe I've corrected my stride, no more shin pain and I just ran my first 5K last month!! :)

    ps lengthening your stride helps a lot too.

    Hope that helps!!
  • faithNlove212
    faithNlove212 Posts: 203 Member
    I had the same problem! I started of walking then walking faster then jogging then running. Now I dont feel any pain. I also bought new sneakers the ones I had were 2 years old.
  • rawad
    rawad Posts: 8
    I've just developed shin splints when I tried to add some higher speed intervals into my runs (I'm a very slow runner). I had plantars fasciitis last year, had orthodics made by a sports podiatrist and got fitted for asics which help correct my overprontation and low arches. I don't think there's much I can do to improve my foot support - in my case I think it is really a matter of going too fast too soon. The comment above about lengthening the stride is very interesting - I have a very short stride. I just looked at this article on the runner's world website - has some very useful information:,7120,s6-241-290--529-1-3X6-3,00.html

    Really hope this works. I'm relatively new to running and do not want to have to give it up!