


  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    edited January 2018
    buggsby83 wrote: »
    Everyone seems really quick to blame OP for not doing something right but suppose for a moment that she is doing everything right. There are medical conditions that can stall weight loss significantly, like PCOS or hypothyroidism, that the OP would benefit from getting tested for. Also I've heard of the body adjusting to what you're changing and setting a new "base line" so to say, creating a weight loss plateau that can be very frustrating to get past.

    Seeing as OP is male I doubt they're suffering from PCOS, Hypothyroidism is a possibilty but even with untreated Hypo you can still lose weight in a deficit. Fact is the lack or results show that there is no deficit present. No one is blaming OP, they're trying to help him.
    And what you're referring to in regards to 'Baseline' happens when a person loses weight and the body re-adjusts to using less calories because there is less mass to move around. This can't be a possibility because OP said they haven't lost any weight.
    Edit: sentence
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    OP please take to heart the advice given here, I was frustrated and confused just like you thinking I was practically starving myself and didn't lose any weight. Fact is I was overeating and making any deficit I got through exercise null and void. Getting a food scale and honestly weighing and logging every bite, every sip, literally anything that went into my mouth was what finally got the weight to shift. Just try it for a few weeks, what do you have to lose at this point besides that stubborn weight?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member

    This one of my favorite threads that helped me immensely back in the day.

    OP if your profile is recent, you don't look like you have a whole lot to lose. So the weighing and assuring your food logging is on point will be the most important thing you do for successful weight loss.
  • ajw019s
    ajw019s Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Everyone, I think that I’ll retry everyone’s advice and refocus on each actual meal to be sure I’m am doing exactly what I log in my diary. However the point about the exercise burn rate is not accurate in these on line calorie counters may be something to think about. I’ll keep logging my exercise as a remind, however work towards my original calorie target. The point about is this driving me crazy, is definitely correct. This post started off as a vent as well as to look for answers. I’ll give it another month and 5hen let everyone know what happened.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    If you really want to listen for advice consider that no male should be eating less than 1500 Cal as a MINIMUM

    That's an approximate multiplier of 4 to convert to kilojoules. So about 3 or 4 times your stated target.

    All you will manage to do by trying to speed things up is to slow them right down while making yourself miserable.

    Second thing is that if you are not obese or very overweight anything beyond a 500 Cal deficit is probably too adventuresome to start.

    Third is that trending weight applications are your friend. You can't see loss they is slow from your day to day or week to week weigh ins due to water weight variation.

    Fourth is that if you've increased exercise you are absolutely likely to have increased water retention for use in your muscles and yes that will mask losses for quite a while.

    Fifth IF losing weight is an appropriate goal (just because you think it is doesn't mean that it is, especially if you're already normal weight) if after four weeks you haven't lost anything on your trend you probably do need to reduce calories.

    However if you are feeling cold, shaky, week, tired, etc, you may be compensating for reduced calories by reducing your expenditure and in that case re-feeds or different strategies may be more appropriate.

    Again you haven't given out your stats. And mfp has a good percentage of people trying to lose weight at all costs when that is not a particularly appropriate goal for them and will not produce the results they seek. (And a bigger % who are absolutely pursuing the correct course, obviously). So YMMV!
  • stacimarie1015
    stacimarie1015 Posts: 30 Member
    You mentioned kj. How many calories a day do you log, on average? Are you confusing kj for calories? IF you're eating 4500 calories and not losing, the answer is to eat less than 4500 calories.
  • fionawilliamson
    fionawilliamson Posts: 110 Member
    I invested in a fit bit because I wasn't able to accurately estimate my calories burnt. Is it 100% accurate, likely not, but the calories burnt on the Fit bit are lower than what my fancy elliptical says I burnt. There are many different fitness devices that will give a relatively good idea of the calories you are burning in a day you may want to invest in one.

    I also agree with the food tracking comments, it's very easy to say, oh it's only a handful of almonds, but it all adds up. I fell into the habit of lying to myself about what I was eating. I started weighing my food, for the things i eat all the time i no longer weigh them but I will slightly over estimate my quantities just to be sure.

    Take a moment and re-evaluate what you are doing, develop a strategy, you got this, never give up.