Time to get out of stage 1 and move to stage 2, help?



  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    alright, got some good stuff to make a beef chili as well as frozen peas and corn. Also got some carrots to shave onto the salad and a small bit of red rose potatoes to cook with some steak I got. A small start towards the more veg and protein. Also got some grapes, bananas and apples.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Good job, pretty soon you'll be a pro at slow cooker cuisine. There's lots of things you can do with it including cooking your chicken so it stays moist and tender.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    cooking the chicken to stay moist is my next goal. I really do want to learn to cook. Also, I tried a white nectarine on friday and it was decent, gonna be an acquired taste. Oh, I also got some watermelon.