Cardio kickboxing on lifting days?

HvymetalMG Posts: 93 Member
In trying to some cardio kickboxing in 2-3x a week. In addition to my 4-day week lifting this is the only form of cardio I do. Can't stand treadmills.

I lifted in the am. Is it okay to do a cardio kickboxing session in evening? Don't want to hurt recovery or gains but also want to keep metabolism and heart rate going.



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Depends on how intense and demanding it is. Only way to know is to try it and see if it affects recovery.
    JAYxMSxPES Posts: 193 Member
    HvymetalMG wrote: »
    In trying to some cardio kickboxing in 2-3x a week. In addition to my 4-day week lifting this is the only form of cardio I do. Can't stand treadmills.

    I lifted in the am. Is it okay to do a cardio kickboxing session in evening? Don't want to hurt recovery or gains but also want to keep metabolism and heart rate going.


    I like heavy bag work for similar reasons; I hate being on hamster wheels. However, it does affect my lifting pretty well. I have limited time on my lifting days so I can't get it in on the same day, but I will do it in-between my Upper Body and Squat day as I don't feel my Squat performance is affected, and the day after my Full-Body day. This way I feel adequately recovered from everything and that the heavy bag work doesn't conflict with my training which is my first priority.

    If you do it in the evening on the day you lift, I don't it'll be a problem. Just make sure your nutrition accommodates both forms of training so you recover and keep improving in your lifts and cardio.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    You shouldn't have any problems
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