Does walking around all day count as exercise?

I have my settings on sedentary which I guess means sitting around all day... so if I went to cedar point (amusement park) and was on feet all day, would I count that as exercise? I have a walking tracker on my phone and it says in total we walked 8.8 miles and burned over 600 calories?! But should I count that? And the definition of sedentary is sitting around all day basically, right? Correct me if I'm wrong.

This also has nothing to do with my original question but do you guys sometimes go over under your calorie goal? Like 1300 one day and 1100 the next if your goal is 1200? thanks!


  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    Yes to both questions. If you're set at sedentary, give yourself exercise credit for when you are on your feet like that. Use the week-long view to average out your daily over/unders on your calorie goal. I'm jealous of your Cedar Point trip! I hope it was great!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    1) If you have your diary setting set to sedenatory then yes, that exercise counts.

    2) I typically don't mind going over or under my goal by upto 150. Anymore of a gap and I try to eat something.
  • sabrinagracenichols
    Thank you! And it was great!!! They have a new rollercoaster called the gatekeeper and I highly recommend it! Haha! Smoothest thing I've ever been on!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I would definitely log that - and 600 caloires sounds pretty reasonable for all that walking around. When I was on vacation in the Williamsburg area on vacation a few years ago we walked around like that all day too and between that and hitting the hotel gym in the morning and being fairly careful about what I ate, I lost 2 pounds! It can definitely make a difference!

    And yes, it's fine to fluctuate like that daily. Just make sure your daily calories aren't lower than 1200 on a regular basis as this can be detrimental to your weight loss goals and your health.