
When counting calorie is it important to look at calories from fat as well?


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    Not really. If you've figured out what macro balance works best for you for satiety, looking at calories from fat might help you identify foods that fit that satiety profile. Or if you're just trying to hit your fat minimum (but I think it's easier to look at grams of fat for that).
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited January 2018
    Yes. You need to look at all calories, including fat. Your macro ratio splits however are most important for satiety.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Nope. Calories total is the main thing.

    Lots of people try to hit macronutrient minimums within their calorie goal. E.g. 1g protein per pound lean mass and .35g fat per pound body weight. In that case, you would care about grams fat and total calories, but that line on all nutrition labels "calories from fat" is not that useful, IMHO.
  • veganfanatic
    veganfanatic Posts: 32 Member
    this app has real problems with persons like me who are super active
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    Yes. You need to look at all calories, including fat.

    I think you're misunderstanding the question. Or maybe I am. Usually when people ask a question like this, they're asking whether, in addition to tracking total calories (which includes calories from fat), they need to try to limit calories from fat specifically. That is, people who ask questions like this are under the mistaken belief that getting too much fat will keep them from losing weight, even when they're in a caloric-deficit.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    Yes. You need to look at all calories, including fat.

    I think you're misunderstanding the question. Or maybe I am. Usually when people ask a question like this, they're asking whether, in addition to tracking total calories (which includes calories from fat), they need to try to limit calories from fat specifically. That is, people who ask questions like this are under the mistaken belief that getting too much fat will keep them from losing weight, even when they're in a caloric-deficit.

    I think I am taking the question literally while scratching my head trying to figure out why you would count carbs and protein but not fat.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    Perhaps OP could clarify further?
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    dcdoty957 wrote: »
    When counting calorie is it important to look at calories from fat as well?

    Yes. However if fats are what helps keep you satisfied then you'll want to prioritize that as much as you can in your meals to help you stay full and keep at the number MFP gives you to lose weight.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You have a daily calorie budget. Count the calories from all sources.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    this app has real problems with persons like me who are super active

    You just need to learn how to use it properly and to your personal goals. I am super active and look at overall grams of macros consumed to ensure minimums are met rather than making sure I meet ratios.