I'm new needing friends and motivation

ELalba92 Posts: 8 Member
edited January 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone so I started this year with a New Year's resolution to go one whole year with no processed sugar this meant no artificial sweeteners as well. The only thing I have allowed myself to eat was raw organic honey and natural sugars found in raw Natural Foods. I was going to be really strong I lost 6 lb since the 1st of January. But on Sunday me and my husband had a little bit of a argument he told me that he feels like uneasy and cant enjoy himself right when we're at restaurants because I either don't eat or I make him stop so I could get healthy food to eat at the restaurant. Cuz if you guys don't know if there is process sugar in everything and if not that there's definitely artificial sweeteners in everything. I have not found a lunch meat that does not have dextrose :s . So I wanted to take the stress off of him and I am tweaking my resolution to where I'm allowing myself one meal / outing to where I allow processed sugar. This doesn't mean that I'm going to go in eat a triple cheeseburger. But I'm going to let myself enjoy it and try to find a healthy version to eat. Like today we went to in and out and I got a lettuce hamburger where they substitute the hamburger buns for big stacks of lettuce and drink an unsweetened tea. I'm 25 about to be 26 in March and it just dawned on me that I am not getting any younger and if I want to change and better myself in healthy ways that I need to do it now before it's too late when I'm already at a older age where it be harder for me and my body will have more complications. I am 238 lb and in December I was 256 lb. way before I begin this journey I was already making slight changes and losing weight. I know my journey is kind of complicated but it is what it is. Let me know what you think about my goals and my journey and also let me know yours! My weight goal is 190 lb I believe I could be happy with myself at that weight.


  • janelleginnetto
    janelleginnetto Posts: 91 Member
    You're goal is a little rough to be honest. You admitted to trying to cut out sugar for 1 year and then what are going to do. If you start eating it again you will likely gain the weight back. Right now I'm 5'2 and 216 lbs with my goal weight as 140 or so. You have already revised your resolution to 1 time per week. You need to remember you don't need to cut out things you because that make a it harder to keep up with the weight loss. You can eat whatever you want to you just have to it in moderation. The whole point of weight loss is to lose it and keep it off. Because of that you don't want to deprive your body of food. You can eat whatever you want within your calorie limit that MFP sets for you. So track your food, eat that amount of calories and that's how you will lose weight. You can cut out all the sugar in the world but you won't be successful unless you have a calorie deficit. I'm in no way being mean, so please don't take it that way. I want you to be successful, so just trying to give you some pointers.
  • KaylaFindsFitness
    KaylaFindsFitness Posts: 17 Member
    Eliminating a food group from a diet is really hard. It's good to focus on less sugar, but all sugar can get really hard. MFP does allow for some sugar in your diet (I try hard to stay under it) but some things are unavoidable. I am trying to make little switches at first. Less soda, less sugar in my coffee etc. I think there are ways for you both to eat at the same restaurants too.
  • ELalba92
    ELalba92 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't think you guys read my post right. I'm not putting out all sugars I'm still eating fruit and eating honey everyday. I just want to cut out processed and artificial sugars as they do the body more harm. And I'm not planning on going back eating them again. So I am technically out on my resolution because this is my life goal to eat natural sugars and no artificial sugars except for when me and my husband and kids are out and about once a week.