Need Some Motivation

My name is Nicole. I have struggled my whole life with my weight. My heaviest was 236 pounds. Two years ago I decided to lose the weight and got down to 169 pounds. Then my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I gained it all back when I fell into a depression. I got right back up to 236 again. I really need to be strong for her and I can't do that at this weight. I choose to start the long journey all over again and am down 3 pounds at 233. It's small but it's a start. I could use all the motivation I could get. I in return will do the same. We can all do this!!


  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    Sorry to hear about your mom’s cancer. Good for you that you decided to take care of yourself now!! You’ll be able to support her as you grow more strong in your eating habits, the feeling of control is very helpful in times of stress. I hope you can fit in at least a daily walk to manage some of the pressure you’re under. Congrats on losing that 3 pounds! You’re on your way!
  • Nikkiwebb2018
    Nikkiwebb2018 Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me xx
  • LifeStyleIT
    LifeStyleIT Posts: 4 Member
    Dear Nicole. You seem very young, and are taking on a great deal at the moment. I admire you for your efforts to keep healthy at such a difficult time and am sure you’ll do well. All the very best for you and your mum.
  • rich89tor
    rich89tor Posts: 6 Member
    It's all about discipline and drive, it seems to you have both already you got this!!!
  • SilentVoice13
    SilentVoice13 Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry to hear about your mom’s cancer. Good for you that you decided to take care of yourself now!! You’ll be able to support her as you grow more strong in your eating habits, the feeling of control is very helpful in times of stress. I hope you can fit in at least a daily walk to manage some of the pressure you’re under. Congrats on losing that 3 pounds! You’re on your way!

    Thank you for the words of encouragment. I will certainly try my best for me and for my mom.
  • kazie1206
    kazie1206 Posts: 21 Member
    I feel for you. I had a similar situation. I finally hit my goal back in April 17 at 155 lbs. Starting point was 255 and then my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer. Between the stress eating and total rollercoaster of emotions and breakdown in my normal daily routine, I have gained 20 lbs. from May 17 to a week ago. I was shocked when I stepped on the scale and decided okay, I need to do something before I start that slippery slope. So now I am here and also looking for motivation too. I know that it is hard. But you have to remember you need to take care of you too if you are going to take care of your loved ones. You have already proven to yourself that you have the motivation because you wouldn’t be on here if you did and see how much you have already lost! If you would like to add me, I would love to be a support system for you through your journey!
  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    Sorry about to read about your mom's cancer. You mentioned you got down to 169 before. Use that when doubt creeps in. Just remember "i did it before and i can do it again". There are no perfect days but stronger ones. Take it 1 day at a time. Log everything you eat. Exercise when you can. Use that time for you time. It will help ease stress and clear your mind. Congratulations on the 3 lbs lost so far. That is a great start