Back after a long hiatus.

Hi everyone. I've decided to get back on track with myfitnesspal after a long time away. But since my last entry I've lost weight. Only thing is, after the holidays I put 7 of the 21 lbs I lost back on, so it's time to get cracking. This past summer I enrolled in a program at Medi Weight Loss. I think it works well, in that they give you one on one coaching on a weekly basis, and focus your weight loss on a protein rich diet, which kicks your body into weight loss mode (ketosis). I finished with them in Sept., and kept the weight off until Nov. Using parts of their plan with exercise and myfitness pal, it's time to continue to my goal weight of 190 lbs in July.


  • chuck6w
    chuck6w Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome back Dgamari, sounds like you have a great goal and plan! I have a goal as well to get down to 190 by August. I have about 65 pounds to go. Feel free to add me for extra encouragement. I wish you well on your journey towards your goal!