Dizzy after running?

Sometimes I get dizzy after running.. I have worked my way up from only being able to run for 30 seconds to 14 minutes straight followed by 5 minutes of my treadclimber at speed of 4.0.. then 5 min of running straight... 5 minutes of treadclimber Doing it a total of 3x, followed by 10 min of treadclimber and 5 min of cool down.. Total of 55 min cardio.. But sometimes after running the 14 min I get dizzy... I do start out with 5 minute warm up... Then 15 min of treadclimber starting at speed 3.0 , working up to 4.0 then I run...Drinking plenty of water.. any ideas? Not sure if that is normal or good or not.. Any ideas... It is working for me I am averaging 2-3 pounds a week in weight loss....


  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    I get dizzy sometimes, as well after cardio. But I also get dizzy when I work outside and bend down a lot. No idea why. I would suggest we both get looked at. I just don't have insurance.

    I'm sure this didn't help, but just know you're not alone ;)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If it's happening all the time, please go see your doctor. Could be an inner ear problem or even a heart problem. Not something to mess with especially if you're by yourself while working out. You could really injure yourself if you pass out!

    When I started running I'd get a little light headed now and then since I wear an HRM, I knew it was because my heart rate was sky high. So I'd slow down and make sure my heart rate decreased for a few minutes before I ran again.

    Do you have hypertension (high blood pressure) and/or are you on meds for it?

    Are you drinking water before you exercise or only during. If you're already dehydrated, drinking water while exercise isn't going to necessarily catch you up.

    How is your diet before working out? If carb heavy or you're not eating enough, you may be experiencing low blood sugar.
  • malk2651
    malk2651 Posts: 55 Member
    Do you have hypertension (high blood pressure) and/or are you on meds for it?

    This is usually the culprit IMO. But you cant be sure without a checkup.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    How many calories are you doing a day?? Your diary is not open.

    ETA: 2-3 pds a week?? Your close to your goal, you should only being losing about a pound a week, if you want a healthy weight loss.
  • Kvose70
    Kvose70 Posts: 19
    I do not have high blood pressure...It have always stayed consistent, even throughout my pregnancies, including y 4th and 5th, which I was over 40.. Technically if I was going to have high blood pressure that would have been the time it showed its face.. I dont eat very many carbs.. I am wondering maybe I am not eating enough for the workout.. It dont happen all the time.. and I do not go above 160 heart rate..if I do, I slow down.. Altho not sure if my HRM is working right cause last week it said I was at 240, pretty sure I would be dead on the floor, and at one point said it was 15.. thats almost flat lined.. and I was feeling fine.. :) I do get very over heated after the first run, I dont get dizzy after that first run... Maybe I just get to hot.. Not sure.. But it dont happen all the time.. just every once in a while.. But it did happen this morning... I had to get off and splash my face with cold water, cause I was so hot.. after a few minutes it went away and I continued on feeling fine!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I do not have high blood pressure...It have always stayed consistent, even throughout my pregnancies, including y 4th and 5th, which I was over 40.. Technically if I was going to have high blood pressure that would have been the time it showed its face.. I dont eat very many carbs.. I am wondering maybe I am not eating enough for the workout.. It dont happen all the time.. and I do not go above 160 heart rate..if I do, I slow down.. Altho not sure if my HRM is working right cause last week it said I was at 240, pretty sure I would be dead on the floor, and at one point said it was 15.. thats almost flat lined.. and I was feeling fine.. :) I do get very over heated after the first run, I dont get dizzy after that first run... Maybe I just get to hot.. Not sure.. But it dont happen all the time.. just every once in a while.. But it did happen this morning... I had to get off and splash my face with cold water, cause I was so hot.. after a few minutes it went away and I continued on feeling fine!

    More than likely you need to eat more!! If you are doing 1200 calories, since I can't see your diary, you should be eating back your exercise calories, that is how MFP works!!
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    Definitely get bloodworm done. I have the same problem. I'm always lightheaded especially if I sit up too quick,or workout too hard. Found out I have thalassemia which is a rare blood disorder that makes it looks like you have low iron so basically my whole life I thought I was anemic and I'm not. Red blood cells are low so my body works harder to get oxygen and why I feel dizzy.
  • I had a similar problem where I would randomly get really hot, sweaty and would faint, especially in the morning and after workouts. I talked to my doctor and drink more water was the response. Sure enough I'm on top of my water intake each day, make sure I'm hydrated and it went away.

    Also, with running, make sure you have something carby about an hour or more before you run. I know on my long runs (over 45 minutes) if I didn't eat something before hand, I don't feel well. I really like a granola bar when I run in the afternoon or for morning long runs a bagel with peanut butter (and coffee).
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    That has happened to me if I stop too quickly instead of cooling down slowly from a run to a really brisk walk, to a slower walk, and lately I also have to eat a small amount (like half of a granola bar) before my early morning run. I am pregnant so of course any weirdness I experience can be explained by that, but this is what helps me.
  • Kvose70
    Kvose70 Posts: 19
    Yup I think that is what happened this morning.. I stopped very quickly to tend to my toddler, instead of cooling down... (I literally hit my 14 minutes and jumped off) and I got dizzy.. Also Ya.. I have one piece of whole grain toast in the morning.. My breakfast is under 300 calories.. I am going to up that just a tad with a little more carbs.. 2 pieces of toast.. and a banana.. I bet it goes away.... Thank you everybody for your responses... I really appreciate it!