Short and... Skinny Fat?

WellAlB Posts: 10 Member
edited January 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi y’all!
I’m twenty years old, and stand very tall at 5’3 (if you round up).

According to my BMI (should I trust that thing) I’m horribly overweight at 154 lbs.

But the thing is, I’m skinny fat. I know the whole “skinny fat” thing is a controversial statement in itself but for me it stands true. No one believes me when I say I weigh as much as I do. But here’s the deal, I know if I gain anymore then it’d really start to show.

My goal is to get down to 135 because that is where I’ve felt my healthiest.

But it’s hard. Is anyone else starting in a sort of “skinny fat” phase? Should I start “cutting” or “bulking”? I wouldn’t describe myself as being lean; I have an hourglass figure and I’ve been called big-boned so I’m not sure if I should try to get smaller before trying to get fit. I’ve been eating better than I ever have before for the past 2-3 months and I’ve only lost 2.5 pounds. I’m kind of lost and stuck. Anyone in the same boat who has found success or has any suggestions would be a real help.


  • WellAlB
    WellAlB Posts: 10 Member
    Early last year my BMI hit right at 30. Which, from my understanding, is the threshold into “obese”. I don’t feel that way but it was enough to tell me I needed to start watching what I eat and start exercising.

    Thanks for the advice, guys!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @yvonne_beavis well done on your loss so far, you're doing great and you are right to feel pleased with your progress. Weight is subjective, two people can be the same height but be very different weights yet look pretty much the same, differing builds and the amount of muscle all contribute.

    For example I'm 5ft 2 and so are two of my friends, all the same age - we all look very slim except I am around 15lbs heavier than them - all down to build and muscle. The weight on the scale is just a number.

    Keep up the great work :smile:

  • WellAlB
    WellAlB Posts: 10 Member

    You should feel pleased! Please don’t feel sad.
    For myself, I know 154 isn’t my healthiest weight. But I think that’s why losing weight is so hard for me. I’m comfortable where I’m at, and I don’t feel awfully out of shape.


    I guess I have to learn patience. I’ve felt so discouraged at only losing the 2 lbs in 2-3 months. How many pounds did you lose the first year?

    I’m trying to wrap myself around this being a lifetime journey and not a lose quick diet trick.
  • yvonne_beavis
    yvonne_beavis Posts: 39 Member
    It's taken me 2 years to lose 50lbs, I honestly don't know how many in the first year, it goes up and down, and slowly (I'm not a youngster), but bit by bit, I'm getting there and now feel so much fitter.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,933 Member
    @The_Ta in for pinpointing of horrible advice.

    I mean even though I don't always agree with Sunna, even her advice today (or rather description of what she does) is far from horrible.

    So care to expand on horrible?