
Just really frustrated today. Same weight for the second week now. Exercise 3xs per week!


  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    it sometimes takes a while before our bodies start to register the change. gove it some more time and if in a few weeks you stil dont see results take a double look at your eating and see if something in there is causing the lack of weight loss
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Sorry that you are frustrated. I am, too. My husband bought me a scale that is guaranteed to be accurate because my old scale was saying something different from the one some friends and I are using for our "biggest loser" competition. Well, this scale said the same thing my old one said. And now I have to lose 16 lbs instead of 9............ So we can be frustrated together!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Just really frustrated today. Same weight for the second week now. Exercise 3xs per week!

    Just a question...are you watching your sodium intake? if so don' t read any further....if not , add it to your food diary and you may be surprised (I know I was) how much sodium you may be consuming.....that is an easy fix, just cut back and drink more water..??? hope this helps
  • hamblm01
    hamblm01 Posts: 2
    I completely understand your frustration. Been there! Can you switch up your workouts? Try a new method like a aerobics class or add to your workouts. I know it is hard to fit more in but changing up your schedule may throw your body for a a good way. Good luck and don't give up!:wink:
  • smsinclair
    I feel for you... I had the same thing happen 2 weeks ago. I gained weight one week and lost it plus .8 the next week. Sometimes I swear that my scale is broke! It's frustrating when you are sacrificing daily but the scale doesn't move (or in my case it moves in the wrong direction.) I keep making healthy choices and I feel better every day. I try not to allow my scale dictate my emotions for the week. I'm having some serious happiness about my healthy choices and I keep trying new activities or intensity so I keep my body challenged. Keep pressing on... our bodies are a constant 'work in progress'.
  • jeansk
    jeansk Posts: 1
    Maintaining the same weight is WAY better than gaining. I exercise 5x per week and I gain sometimes and stay the same others. Just keep up the good work and remember it's better to maintain than gain! :) Good luck and keep it up!
  • verbifyvenus
    verbifyvenus Posts: 175 Member
    Don't be a slave to the scale!!!

    You'll see much better and faster results if you measure yourself: arms, butt, hips, tummy, etc every couple of weeks

    Trust me:happy:
  • dfwtxmissy
    dfwtxmissy Posts: 102
    My weight increased 2 pounds. I refuse to get frustrated because I know it will start falling...I know my body has to register the changes and when it does, I will be so excited.
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I don't know if this is true, but a trainer told me that you need to exercise 5x/week to facilitate change and 3x/week to maintain.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Just really frustrated today. Same weight for the second week now. Exercise 3xs per week!
    How long have you been on here? I got very frustrated recently and just went back to march and april and part of may when I was dropping weight like crazy. It just refreshed my memory and then a light bulb came on!!! I will redo those weeks I am already on the second day of "redo" and already feel lighter and more energetic and as pumped up as ever! Good luck and also read through some of the success stories on here that helps a lot too!:flowerforyou:
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    What type of workout are you doing? I changed from no workout to 3x per week, with weight training, and I gained weight. My trainer assured me it was muscle weight. Once my body woke up and realized that I was building muscle, cutting junk food and introducing quality fuel, my weight has started coming off (SLOWLY) which everyone assures me is the way to go. It took about 5 weeks for the scale to register much of a difference, but my clothing size changed within about three weeks. (Dropped some inches.) Sorry to be so long winded, but the long and short of it is, hang in there, change your workouts periodically and change is going to come. :flowerforyou:
  • pj2u7180
    pj2u7180 Posts: 3
    I hear ya...I hate that much so that I decided early in this game to NOT use a scale for awhile. I just started small, changed the way I eat...get to moving more....these things I KNOW will work as long as I don't stare at a number on a scale! Wishing you all the luck (and I guess I'll save some for me :)....