Pregnancy-gestational diabetes

Hi everyone. My name is Jennifer, I’m 35 years old and have always struggled with yo yo weight gain and loss. I am about 30 weeks pregnant and I was just diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It’s definitely been a wake up call to the things I choose to eat and what it does to/for my body.
I’m looking for friends on here who are possibly going through or have went through the same struggles. It’s been frustrating to say the least.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.


  • KCarsonPregnancy
    KCarsonPregnancy Posts: 2 Member
    I'm thirty weeks now, and was just diagnosed as well. My numbers were just over the limit for the 2 hr and 3 hr draw. I'm trying to figure out the best meals. I WAS trying to eat really good and have only gained 9lbs. I was really shocked and discouraged. :( I am planning a birth in a birthing center and if I can't keep the numbers low with diet alone, and have to go on insulin; it risks me out and I have to go to a new doctor in a hospital I haven't seen. Would love to know how you're doing now and any recipes that work really well for your sugar number. :)
  • ashluv2sing
    ashluv2sing Posts: 42 Member
    I've been there! I have PCOS so I wasn't surprised when I was diagnosed when I was pregnant with my daughter. I followed the diet perfectly and still had to inject myself with insulin 4 times per day. Don't get discouraged, just do the best you can and remember you are doing it for that sweet baby. My daughter turned out just perfect and is now a sassy 2 and a half year old! If you need something sweet I would just have a little dark chocolate on hand or yogurt, and maybe sugar free jello. (my sweet tooth is still awful)
  • irleshay
    irleshay Posts: 102 Member
    I got diagnosed last week and started with the glucose meter and nutrition plan this week. Feels like trial and error so far. It's frustrating because I had good diet/exercise/weight going into the pregnancy, and worked hard to maintain it throughout -- then the results of the glucose tolerance test. :/:s I'm in week 30. Will send some friend requests!