Goal of 100lbs of weight loss - Low impact activities

Hi all,

Thanks for reading this. I recently started a new weight loss journey. Been overweight for the last 9 years. The beginning of this year I stepped on the scale and realized I had gain more weight after a very stressful/emotional/exhausting 6 months. I’ve already lost nearly 19lbs (and not necessarily in the right way). I’m a body positive person, but I think losing weight will be the best thing for me.

Decided to get involved with this community for inspiration/support/accountability.

I have mild scoliosis, nerve and disc degeneration, and arthritis which causes me chronic back pain. I also have knee issues after some old basketball and a recent soccer injury. I’m looking for some insight for the best low impact workouts that people have had success with. Been looking at doing some aqua fit classes at my local YMCA. Wondering if people have had any success with those types of programs? Also looking for your opinion on the best core excercises. Strengthening my core will help with my back pain.

My husband and I want to start trying to have kids by the end of the year. I was a very athletic person when I was younger and want to see the same for my future kids. I want my kids to grow up healthy, active and a part of a larger community to build their confidence!


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    @mgee2018 I am moving this to the fitness board since you have exercise questions. Introduce yourself gets really busy sometimes and its easy for posts to get buried.

    swimming is usually a good low impact activity, but it sounds like you area already onto that one. The elliptical is also pretty low impact, or cycling.

    Check out yoga or pilates routines for core exercises. You probably want to stay way from old school crunches given your back issues.

    Welcome to MFP!