
queenmolly68 Posts: 71
edited January 31 in Food and Nutrition
Is it any good, or does it taste really watered down? Looking to get OJ back into my diet, but not wanting to put up with all the sugar. Thanks, y'all.


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I drink this every morning. It tastes just like OJ in my opinion. I love it. It's not watered down at all.
  • bitterrevenge
    bitterrevenge Posts: 25 Member
    I really like it tbf - To me it doesn't seem watered down, but it is less tangy than regular orange juice.
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Isn't trop50 watered orange juice? Why don't you buy real orange juice and add water?
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    I don't mind the taste of Trop50 but it has an added sweetener which I think is silly. I don't need sweetener in my juice of any kind even if it lowers the actual sugar. I try not to drink juice anymore but rather eat fruit and drink water. I love juice, but I get more out of eating a piece of fruit and having some water with my meals. The only juice I do buy on occasion is Florida's Natural because the only think on the ingredient list is orange juice. No sweetener. No "natural flavors"
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    It tastes really gross to me. The artificial flavor totally killed it for me. The hubby couldn't even get past one sip.

    If you want OJ with less calories, either just drink less OJ or do what's commonly done for little kids, cut your juices with 50% juice/50% water.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Mostly what I think of Trop 50
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I was surprised at some of the unfavorable responses. I've been buying Trop50 (or the store brand "light" OJ) for years and quite frankly I can't tell much if any difference.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    great with peach schnapps and vodka
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Not sure what people find wrong with it...Is it neccessary for me to drink it?

    No, but I do it anyway because its sterile and I like the taste
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    I am on the list of people who didn't like it. I didn't like the taste of it, and I am not sure I could quantify it. Typically if I want juice now I blend it with zero calorie sparkling water about 50/50. For some reason if it is fizzy I don't mind the loss of flavor so much ;).

    Right now it takes me a month to go through a half gallon of juice so I really don't drink it as much as I used to (usually 3 days would finish off a half gallon of juice). This is a problem as juice doesn't really like to be open that long.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    LOVE it!
  • Tropicana claims there are no artificial sweeteners in the Trop50. Artificial sweeteners tend to make me feel sick, which is why I can't tolerate diet soda. Enough of you are saying that you like it, so maybe a trial run is worth it. I like the idea of mixing it sparkling water. Thanks.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Love it
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    I actually like the Minute Maid light version better. Same 50 cals. I cut where I can as long as it still tastes good.
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    I love it, after work out and my three cups of water I go to the safeway next door and get one.
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    It taste watered down but is not bad . I buy the regular one and just drink less of it , 8oz the regular version is better than 16oz of trop 50.
  • calbadger
    calbadger Posts: 283 Member
    We love it in our house. Real orange juice is too sweet for me. I like this one better. Of course, if you mix some Korbel Brut in there for brunch ... :wink: ... But that would be bad ... if it were every weekend.
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Tastes fine to me, for Tropicana lol
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