Cant lose the last 7 pounds !

RunRun72 Posts: 19 Member
edited January 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone ! I only have 7 pounds left to lose , but for some reason I cant seem to stay in a deficit ! I manage to eat and balance my calories well during the day , but at night , when my boyfriend goes to sleep I end up eating even if im not that hungry and I always end up eating at maintenance or even over maintenance and feel guilty :( Apart from that , I have a tendency to splurge on weekends ! I am gaining pounds insetad of losing . Any tips ? As I really need some support right now


  • rachelpauline93
    rachelpauline93 Posts: 40 Member
    I had the nightly snacking problem too! I'm trying to lose about 15 more pounds and honestly, my savior has been Intermittent Fasting. It's not for everyone, but it really helped me stop binging at night which I was prone to do after having a good day calorie wise!

    Basically, I only eat from 2pm until 8pm and I try to stick to two meals. That way I am eating a big amount of calories and I feel full and satisfied, and honestly not wanting to snack at all! This is the method that works for me, maybe you should give it a try and see if it helps.
  • Lesscookies1
    Lesscookies1 Posts: 250 Member
    If you want tips we do need stats. What your current height and weight? How many calories are you currently eating? What did you set your rate of loss to on MyFitnessPal? Do you use a food scale to measure solids ?

    You maybe binging at night because during the day you may not be eating enough just a thought; however, this may not always be the case. The information you provide will give us some information to assist you.

  • RunRun72
    RunRun72 Posts: 19 Member
    If you want tips we do need stats. What your current height and weight? How many calories are you currently eating? What did you set your rate of loss to on MyFitnessPal? Do you use a food scale to measure solids ?

    You maybe binging at night because during the day you may not be eating enough just a thought; however, this may not always be the case. The information you provide will give us some information to assist you.

    height : 5ft2
    weight : 117 lbs
    goal weight ; 110 lbs
    I burn 2300-2400 cals a day ( according to fitbit )
    I eat from 1600-2000 cals and somedays more
    and yes I use a food scale.
  • Golferdrone
    Golferdrone Posts: 68 Member
    Exercise more:add stairs
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    Yeah, the last few pounds are a fight against the body's natural desire to want to hold on to a few extra pounds.

    Tighten up your logging so it is as accurate as you can get it. . . and then keep on keeping on.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    How much have you lost total and in what time frame? If you have been in a deficit for quite a while, maybe taking this little break by eating more at maintenance is not a bad thing. However you need to get a handle on eating over or you will just gain again.

    Being able to stay in a calorie deficit is going to come down to applying some extra discipline if you want to reach your goal. I guess i would find out what is driving you to eating more after bf goes to sleep? Have you added/increased exercise, this could be driving hunger? Do you need to work your with diet to assure that you are spacing meals and snacks so you have calories left in the evenings?

    The last few pounds are the hardest to lose especially as we get leaner.