Ladies, what's your hurry?



  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Well, I told MFP that I only want to lose 1lb a week, and it upped my target calories from 1200 to 1210 a day :noway: .

    Yes I do eat most of my exercise calories back (but I work on the assumption that on the MFP database, they're on the generous side.

    I don't often come in under my calorie goal and as long as I'm not anywhere near 2000 I'm happy.
  • ccvolleygirl78
    After years of losing weight fast and gaining it back slowly and repeating this cycle, I decided to be realistic and set my goal to 1lb a week so I can develop new healthy habits and maintain the lifestyle. Doing the "quick fixes" were not healthy or sustainable for me. My lowest weight was 138lb as an adult.....I know weigh 178....What I wouldn't kill to be 138 again (keep in mind I thought that was heavy).

    My long-term goal is 115lb (I am five-three). So what I did is at the start of each week I put what weight I should be on weigh in day (1lb a week loss) starting with 177lbs this week and going all the way out until I hit 115lb. It's over a year but I don't feel so rushed or stressed now to meet the "deadline"and can start changing my habits to give me a healthy, sustainable lifestyle vs. learning bad habits just to hit a number quick.
  • HeadsPoppingOutOfCups
    What a question. I want to do a lot of things I've been too scared to even attempt in the past. I want to take horse riding lessons (which I am currently too heavy to do), I want to learn to scooba dive without being self conscious of wearing something that tight, I want to have a baby but will not do so until I can carry a child with a healthy body. I don't think wanting to be able to live the life you want quicker is a bad thing.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    When I started, I decided that I wanted to start in see some results quickly. I figured that I'd add some calories after the first couple of weeks. I modeled that after Weight Watcher's "Quick Start" plan, which was probably a dozen plans ago, but was probably my favorite, because you DID see early success on it.

    I did see good results after the first 2 weeks, but what I discovered was that if I made careful choices I really wasn't hungry. So I went to the doctor, got my plan OK'd by her, and have pretty much stuck with it for 10 weeks now...and I've lost 29 pounds in that time. If I start to feel deprived, I have my own permission to increase my calories for a day or two. I'll increase them if I go on vacation or have a birthday or thanksgiving or something. But I will log the calories, and I will be in control.

    And there is probably a part of me that realizes that I'm getting older, and I just don't have forever to lose the weight and do the things that I want to do when I'm thinner. I don't want it to take years. I know that maintaining the weight after I lose it will also be difficult, but after the success I have had at losing weight, I'm starting to believe that I can do it.

    Now my plan is to start to increase the calories when I'm under 200 pounds, but who knows...if I still feel good, I might not.