Weight Loss Warriors Challenge........

If you want to joing the Weight Loss Warriors Challenge, please look at the groups section!! We are starting a weight loss challenge tofay, Aug 2. It will run through October 4th. This is for the serious who REALLY want to work hard, and lose the weight. We do mini challenges each week, both physical and non-physical challenges. You can choose to do them, or not. But you are required to weigh in every Friday by sending me a message with your new weight. We make teams, and each team encourages each other all week. It was a lot of fun the last time I did this earlier this year, and it's time to do it again!

To find us, search for the group " Weight Loss Warriors Challenge" You will find the first thread there. Just make sure to send me your initial starting weight as of today so I can sign you up for the challenge! Look forward to having you, and motivating each other!!