Weight Loss Help

Ok I have been on here for a while and haven't had any success on my weight loss. I have now started Jillian Micheals Banish fat - boost metablism. I do 15 min-25 min walks and strength training. I was wondering if you guys can give me hints on how you guys lose weight a healthy way. I'm getting married in 15 days and 7 months and I wanna lose at least 30lbs before then. I'm desperate to try anything that will help me.


  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    Are you eating enough?!?
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    First step - start with realistic goals 1-2 lbs a week. You should not lose 30 lbs. in 15 days. This has to be a lifestyle for you - forever. Exercise more - eat more - that's how it goes. Pick exercise you actually like to do - a stress reliever as I am sure planning a wedding can be stressfull! Bike, walk, run, swim, play sports - or do a DVD that is fun! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and Best of luck to you.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Ooops! I see you put 7 months AFTER the 15 days. Yikes - I feel better. that is doable!
  • JoHannahD
    JoHannahD Posts: 14
    Yeah I am eating enough
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    Haha. I just looked at your diary. You might not be having much luck since you're going over your calorie goal so often!
  • JoHannahD
    JoHannahD Posts: 14
    I'm just wondering why I'm not losing weight. I exercise more then I put on the exercise goal. I watch my calorie intake and I eat enough so my body doesn't think I'm starving or anything. But I'm not getting it, I been on here for a while and I do alot of exercising. I'm not willing to do something bad for my body, but what am I doing wrong that I'm not losing weight?
  • JoHannahD
    JoHannahD Posts: 14
    Yeah this week I have but the last few weeks I haven't
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    How tall are you and how much do you weigh at the moment?
  • JoHannahD
    JoHannahD Posts: 14
    169lbs and I'm 5'5 I know I'm over the healthy limit
  • JoHannahD
    JoHannahD Posts: 14
    I guess I'll try alot harder since this ain't working the way I've bee
  • JoHannahD
    JoHannahD Posts: 14
    I guess I'll try alot harder since this ain't working the way I've been doing things.
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    Maybe you can try working out less?
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    If you are only just over the healthy limit it can be really tough getting the scale to move. I know that cos I have been stationary for at least 2 months and the scale only started moving downwards about 2 days ago! There are lots of things you can try if you are already eating enough and exercising enough:

    Calorie cycling - eating more some days and less others as long as they add up right over a week. This keeps your metabolism moving and guessing (not the most scientific explanation- sorry!)

    Eat only 80% of your exercise calories - especially if you are using MFP to guess/calculate the amount.

    Change your amounts of type of food- i.e. I eat 45% protein, 30% carbs and 25%fat. Maybe reduce fat and increase protein?

    Try something for at least 2 weeks before changing - I know its frustrating, but eventually you will see the scale move.