Water and peeing...

Bethany28 Posts: 263
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am just wondering how long it takes a body to get used to drinking so much water? I have to go all the time. It is really annoying at night when I get up five times before I have the chance to fall asleep.


  • ldybugg
    ldybugg Posts: 134
    still workin on that one! plus it seems the more water i drink the thirstier i get! so not sure but it helps if you drink it slower and more spaced out thru the day but i understand ur aggrivation.
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    my goodness. just how much water are you drinking? there is such a thing as too much water. i drink a lot (and pee a lot) but i can make it through the night without having to go to the bathroom as long as i go right before climbing into bed.
  • TonyaR
    TonyaR Posts: 78 Member
    my goodness. just how much water are you drinking? there is such a thing as too much water. i drink a lot (and pee a lot) but i can make it through the night without having to go to the bathroom as long as i go right before climbing into bed.

    This is exactly what I was thinking! I can drink 14 glasses a day and still sleep through the night as long as I pee right before hand!
  • pbxr
    pbxr Posts: 100 Member
    It usually takes my body 7-10 days, sometimes as much as 2 weeks, to regulate, but once I'm being faithful, I don't have that gotta-go-all-the-time thing. I heard someone describe it once like this: your body doesn't want to lose too much fluid, so when it isn't getting properly hydrated, it holds on to whatever it gets and only "lets go" of what it has to. When we begin drinking enough water to hydrate our bodies properly, the body slowly begins to "trust" that it can let go of additional stores of fluid. Hence, a million & one potty breaks. Once your body knows it won't be deprived, it regulates. Keep up the good work! :happy:
  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    i consider myself to be someone who drinks a lot of water, and not because i'm forcing it down because i know i should. i teach (translation: talk over students all day long) so I'm always thirsty. i usually have to pee at least once a night. occasionally twice.
  • inforsey
    inforsey Posts: 35 Member
    It helps if you sip the water throughout the day instead of chugging a glass here and there. If you sip water, your body can absorb it better because it is in more managable doses. If you chug, what the body doesn't absorb and use goes to the bladder, filling it faster.

    And yes, the more water you drink on a regular basis, the happier your body is because it is more likely to be in homeostasis - fancy pants word for harmony with cells and sweat and all that good stuff. So, if you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and all of a sudden drink no glasses one day, your body will feel robbed.

    Pee before bed and first thing in the morning... and don't hold it in.. you're just asking for trouble.

    In health,

    (edited to correct spelling of homeostasis)
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Well, I can tell you that I have been on this journey since January, and while I drink more water now, than then, the peeing has not gotten any better and I get up at least two times every night. I drink about 100-110 oz of water from the minute I get up to the minute I go to bed. (it is said you should drink half your body weight, in ounces of water per day.) I agree, too, that the more I drink the thirstier I feel. By 4pm yesterday I had only gotten to 80 oz and I felt dehydrated!!
  • inforsey
    inforsey Posts: 35 Member
    Everyone's bladders are different sizes too.. so while one person can drink like a horse, another may only be able to drink like a ... bird.

    But... on the lighter side.. I hope I always get up to pee at night instead of wetting the bed... hee hee.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I usually drink 10-12 glasses a day, sometimes more if I'm outside alot in the heat.
    Like all the above posters have stated, try to spread it throughout the day in sips and don't chug.
    You could try not drinking for about an hour before you lay down and see if that helps. Good luck
  • Bethany28
    Bethany28 Posts: 263
    I wasn't drinking enough, only 1 or 2 glasses a day, but now I drink 5. Still not enough, but I will get there. I am a little freaked out though because I already pee alot and adding water makes me go more.
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    I always have a glass of water next to me, no matter where I am. I actually started doing that 19 years ago (almost) when my first son was born and I was nursing. Being a first time parent/new to babies in general, "What to expect...." said to drink water when nursing. And I nursed him a LOT!! ;) But it really got me into the habit of 'water'. And even when I was drinking a BOATLOAD of Pepsi daily, I still had many glasses of water.

    I don't always have to get up at night, but I do the minute I wake up!! (Then I weigh myself!!)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    But... on the lighter side.. I hope I always get up to pee at night instead of wetting the bed... hee hee.
    Better yet, on the dryer side! I wholeheartedly agree!:laugh:

    My body got used to it pretty quickly, BUT I do rememer those days when I'd drink and pee, drink and pee, now I just drink and drink and drink and then pee.

    What TMI?:laugh:
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I wasn't drinking enough, only 1 or 2 glasses a day, but now I drink 5. Still not enough, but I will get there. I am a little freaked out though because I already pee alot and adding water makes me go more.
    I pee a lot usually, too, and what I've noticed is that it's actually curbed the "having to go all the time" feeling for me.
    I usually drink my first 64 oz. in the first 3 hours of my work day (between 7am and 10am). I usually have to pee like once/hour. Just a month ago, it took me until 1pm to drink that much and I was peeing every half hour to 45 minutes. Now that my body's getting used to having that water in it (and loving it), it's easier for me to drink more.
    I will probably fill up that bottle again halfway (another 32oz.) and might drink all of that (most of it). I always try to stop drinking at work by 1pm. That way I can get the "leftovers" out of my system before my hour-long drive home at 4pm.
    Then I work out at either 5:30 or 6:30pm and have another 32 oz. during and after the workout. I will finish that one bottle (it's only 32 oz. bottle) and that's usually it for the day. I'm usually done with drinking my water by 8pm at the latest and I'll go to bed about 9pm. About a month ago I'd have to get up once/night to go pee, now I can hold it all til the morning (have to go right before bed and right when I get up).

    So that's usually about 96-128 oz. of water over the course of 16 hours or so.
    Just as a reference.
  • spike1380
    spike1380 Posts: 82
    I have been drinking between 9 and 12 cups of water per day for almost 10 years and I still have peeing issues. My sister and boyfriend make fun of me for it.

    If I am exercising and sweating a lot, I don't pee as often. If I am working in a really hot environment, I don't pee at all unless I drink way more than my usual amount. I actually had a job that sent me to the hospital. I would drink 1.5 to 2 gallons of water during my shift (12 hours) but never once go pee because I was sweating it all out (it was generally about 120° in there and the job was very physical). I ended up severely dehydrated and suffering from a massive kidney infection that spread through my bladder and whole urinary tract. Apparently it's really bad if you never pee. The only time I was peeing during the work week was when I woke up in the afternoon to get ready for work. I will no longer work in an environment that has me sweating so much that I can't pee at all. My last job was about 100° and extremely physical but I was able to pee at least once per shift by drinking 24 oz of water and 8 oz of gatorade.

    After that experience with my kidney, I don't mind peeing a lot. I'd rather pee than not pee.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I have tis problem too and for me it hasn't really improved. The only way I manage to get a nights sleep without needing to pee is to drink less after 6pm. Try it and see if it works for you. :smile: :smile:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I am just wondering how long it takes a body to get used to drinking so much water? I have to go all the time. It is really annoying at night when I get up five times before I have the chance to fall asleep.

    Pah! I have never gotten used to that, I practically sleepwalk to the bog now :laugh:

    In fact, if there were a smiley for a toilet going person, I would use it, but there isn't, so this one will have to do
    > :noway: :drinker: :noway: :drinker: :noway: :sad: :drinker: :noway: :sad: :drinker: :noway: :drinker: :noway: :grumble: :noway:
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I get up about 2-3 times during the night to use the bathroom and Ive been drinking the same amount for months. Im used to it. Like someone else said...rather get up than lay in a pool ;)
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I have to go about once an hour when I'm awake. Most of the time I can get through the night, but I really have to go when I wake up. I've been drinking a ton of water for probably 8 years now. At least 12 glasses a day.
  • maydianna
    maydianna Posts: 26 Member
    I agree - I can only manage it if I limit my water intake after 7 (which also forces me to finish eating before then). Nice bonus!
  • zoey116
    zoey116 Posts: 75
    my goodness. just how much water are you drinking? there is such a thing as too much water. i drink a lot (and pee a lot) but i can make it through the night without having to go to the bathroom as long as i go right before climbing into bed.

    This is exactly what I was thinking! I can drink 14 glasses a day and still sleep through the night as long as I pee right before hand!

    I think it also depends on how well (deeply) someone sleeps. I have found that no matter how much/little I drink or how early/late I quit drinking I ALWAYS have to get up MULTIPLE times a night to pee. But I also sleep very lightly. My mom also has the same problem and a doctor once told her she just wasn't sleeping deep enough to sleep through it.
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