Keto Failure



  • Laurafayw
    Laurafayw Posts: 2 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Laurafayw wrote: »
    I think the idea is that you train your body to eat until sated so you shouldn''t need to count calories in the long term (also lack of sugar crash leads to less hunger in the main) but I do think many of us need to learn what sated actually is - it's not "stuffed" and that is a bit of a challenge if you've been a carb-lover. The portions on there are quite big I find.

    Also the idea that sugar crashes lead to hunger and that people overeat due to hunger and have messed up satiety signals due to carbs are all simply false for me, and I think for many people.

    This is not aimed at you, but at what's reported from the site.

    No problem. Though I should say that I certainly have found that the sugar crash thing has been absolutely true for me so not just an "idea" in my case, nor many people's. Very low carbs, no sugar and higher fat has for me meant no afternoon slump, no raging hunger in the afternoon and much fewer calories overall than I was eating previously. Appetite control has been hugely important for me and this is one thing that I have found works. It has all been much steadier and I don't feel deprived.

    That said, I've never been convinced that one size fits all in terms of diet. You do generally have to tweak things a bit in a way that works for you or find what does.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    That doctor is a quack...he doesn't teach *kitten* to his "followers".
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    One of the other problems, which really isn't other, is that Dietdoctor is based upon the Insulin Hypothesis. And while I agree that blood sugar regulation can help with satiety (which of course may lead to less appetite and calorie deficit more easily), insulin obviously is being given a whole lot more credit in the process than it's due. It's the eating less than you burn that is the actually mechanism of loss. Which they entirely skip over there.
    It's awesome for those who it works for, the satiety bit I mean. I was always a very hungry caterpillar. I had the satiety for 3 days, and I've been hungry ever since. My blood sugar is fabulous all the time.
    Relying upon feels to keep your weight in check just isn't going to do it, for many many folks, in keeping the calorie deficit consistently.
    When satiety cues fail, you need to start looking at your calorie intake.
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Thanks everyone. I will definately figure out doing the calorie deficit then logging it all. I don't think I will stay with the Keto, just do as recommended a few times and eat what I like, I do know I need to stay low carb at least. I do exercise so I will take that into account when doing a deficit. I am grateful for all your ideas. :)

    Lots of people are not satiated on a low carb diet so they end up over eating. This may be the case for you. However you choose to eat track your calories for a while and you'll get a better picture of what works for you.