Needing Motivation to Get Started

I am 7 weeks postpartum and have been given the all clear to get back to normal activities, which includes exercise. However, I've been so fatigued that I cannot seem to make myself do any sort of workouts. By the time my husband can help take care of the little one, I'm just wanting to do nothing. I'm in need of support and motivation to get moving again, even if it's small to start! Ahh!


  • BZAH10
    BZAH10 Posts: 5,709 Member
    Congrats on the new little one! I started walking every day after I had my son and was clear to workout again. Good thing about it is you don't have to wait for help from someone else at this stage because they sleep so much. Just put the baby in a stroller and head out the door. Or, somewhere inside if it's cold where you are right now.

    Try to add in some body weight moves and stretching when you're home watching TV or whenever. Every little bit helps.
  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    Thank you! I definitely cannot wait until I can go outside to walk (I'm in Minnesota and it's brutal at the moment lol). I've been adding 50 squats in here and there throughout the day which is a step! I think I may just need to do some exercises while holding the little guy lol. He feeds so often and has acid reflux (so have to hold him upright for 20 minutes) and screams when he's put down longer than 15 minutes lol. This is my first baby so it's all so new! I will definitely be adding more body weight activity into my day! I think I need to keep reminding myself that even the little things add up and to not have the "why bother" attitude if I only have 5 minutes at a time.

    I super appreciate your input! Thank you :)