Accuracy of body fat on home scales?

Hi all.

Any success with reasonably accurate body fat testing on the scales? I have a $50 digital branded by Weight Watchers by made by homemedics or similar brand (not sure). I heard +/- 3% accuracy... somewhere.

Thoughts?? I heard the caliphers aren't much better...



  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Back in February, when I had my caliper test done at the gym, it was 43%, my home scale at that time said 54%. Ya, I've got a long way to go.... So, I figure I'm somewhere in between those two numbers. I'm just happy to see that % going down on the scale at home. It means the % is going down even it it isn't an accurate number. I do have to get another test done at the gym, but I'm putting it off. I'm sure it will be better, but certainly no where near where it needs to be....