New to the community

Hi everyone! I’m Gaby, this community is new to me. I am starting my journey again and really want to stick with it this time and it already feels different this time around cause I am started to learn to love myself before making any changes.

So can anyone tell me how this community works?? I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you!!! Have a Great Day!!!


  • MyChocChip
    MyChocChip Posts: 13 Member
    I’m following, since I just stared, too.
  • BatmansGrl13
    BatmansGrl13 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been using the community to make more friends. It's always easier to stick to your plan when you have more friends on the same mission as you!
  • VelvetTeddyX
    VelvetTeddyX Posts: 97 Member
    I want to add people but I don’t know how.