Calories on rest days

Hi guys,
I am exercising 6 days a week (40-50 minutes, 5000 to 6000 steps) with Sunday as my off days. I eat around 1400 during the week and I am wondering how much I should eat on my rest day. Should I reduce my intake to 1200 or continue eating at 1400?


  • Daydreamangel
    Daydreamangel Posts: 127 Member
    But MFP does not distinguish between exercise and rest days. So it doesn't matter what you are doing, just eating the same calories?
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Yes it does, as long as you track your exercise and eat back some of those calories. 1400 is your base that MFP sets without exercise. When you exercise you need to add usually around 50% of the exercise calories on top of that. So if you don't exercise, you still eat what MFP gives you.
  • kristerjohnson
    kristerjohnson Posts: 4 Member
    If you put your calories burnt in MFP, it will give you a net result. On your off days, you won't have that offset. My advice is to not starve yourself so that you don't feel the urge to binge. 1400 or 1200 are close, and a very modest intake, so do what you can stay consistent, without being too uncomfortable. Best of luck!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    I actually eat under what MFP gives me, because I gained weight from eating the amount they give me.

    If you were gaining on the goal given to you then you were eating more than you think.

    What are your stats? How do you measure your calorie intake?
  • Daydreamangel
    Daydreamangel Posts: 127 Member
    I weigh my food on a food scale.

    5'6 137.6 pounds

  • kristerjohnson
    kristerjohnson Posts: 4 Member
    All the these programs are general guidelines, I think. Thirty years ago, I could eat what I wanted. Presently, I am a pretty active runner and I struggle to stay around net 1500 calories. Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so weight is not as good as an indicator as body fat percentage, or how you look in the mirror. Do what you can to keep a slight and sustainable calorie deficiency; something you can live with and still be happy.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited February 2018
    I thought I had my setting on lightly active, which would include exercise in the calorie amount they give you, right?

    If you’re using MFP the way it’s intended to be used, your activity level is set based upon your daily activity without exercise. Exercise then gives you added calories and you eat a portion of those back.
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    I weigh my food on a food scale.

    5'6 137.6 pounds

    Seems like what you are doing is working for you given your stats.

    If your Dr sees you as healthy and fit, based on blood tests and other measurements then there may be no problem with your caloric intake.

    But I would not be giving advice to others to eat fewer than what mfp gives you, because all bodies are different.

    Some bodies are more muscular or excercise more, some bodies are older or younger, sone bodies are malnourished and some are immune compromised. What works for may not work for others. Jmo
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    I hope on exercising days you are eating back the calories you earned. You will lose weight doing so. Then just eat what MFP says to eat. Easy-prays.
  • Daydreamangel
    Daydreamangel Posts: 127 Member
    I overindulged and ate 1750 calories on my rest day yesterday and I lost .4 pound. Is that odd?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I overindulged and ate 1750 calories on my rest day yesterday and I lost .4 pound. Is that odd?

    It's not going to be accurate to judge a plan by day-to-day fluctuations. You should focus on the long-term trend.
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    I weigh my food on a food scale.

    5'6 137.6 pounds

    And you gain weight on 1400 cals? Very doubtful

    Unless it is water, or she is constipated. Or building muscle.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I overindulged and ate 1750 calories on my rest day yesterday and I lost .4 pound. Is that odd?

    Nah. The scale does weird things. Did you happen to have a drink or two yesterday? Sometimes people who don't drink regularly will notice a bit of a drop the day after a couple of drinks.
  • Daydreamangel
    Daydreamangel Posts: 127 Member
    edited February 2018
    Nah. The scale does weird things. Did you happen to have a drink or two yesterday? Sometimes people who don't drink regularly will notice a bit of a drop the day after a couple of drinks.

    No, I didn't drink yesterday. The scale is weird though.