What helped you most in reducing blood pressure?



  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    Increase of Potassium rich foods. Decrease in sodium.

    ^^^ this ^^^^
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Only thing I did was lose the weight.
    I was on 2 BP meds.
    Started getting dizzy when I got up too fast.
    MD said stop taking the hydrocholorothiazide.
    Still dizzy.
    MD then said cut the 20mg Lisinopril in half.
    Still dizzy. BP was 104/70
    MD said stop taking the 10mg and return in 3 weeks.
    Today was my appt, she put me on 2.5 mg only to protect my kidneys (T2DM) but my BP was 120/60

    I am eating ~2500 give/take sodium & processed food & fast food,I'm not massively working out (just started walking) ..so the only thing I've done is lost the weight.

    Good luck on your journey
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    Losing weight helped initially. I went from 316lbs to around 216lbs and my blood pressure dropped form borderline high to normal. But a couple of years later it started to creep back up to borderline even though I hadn't regained the weight or changed my eating or exercising habits. Unfortunately, for some of us high blood pressure is hereditary. The only thing that seems to bring mine down now is blood pressure medication and a low sodium diet. My advice is to work hard at eating a healthy diet that is aimed at reducing sodium and your cholesterol numbers and start exercising every day, even if it's just a long walk. And make sure that you are staying in contact with your doctor throughout the process. She or he will be able to monitor how things are going and let you know if it may just be time to try meds.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    I had HBP, I lost 30 lbs. But on the meds I didn't take the time learn how to change my diet. I was taken off the HBP meds on July 17th but since I had not changed anything really I had an issue with water retention. I learned to Lower my sodium, as well as increase water and green tea consumption. Happy to report all the excess water is gone and my BP is normal
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    I am so sorry for your mom's passing. It is always hard to lose a parent. :cry:

    There is debate as to the role sodium plays, if any. Calcium/Magnesium supplementation works for some. Raw garlic taken daily, if you can stand it, is supposed to help. I've been on medication and still have high pressure, nothing seems to help much. It is frustrating.

    In regards to sodium intake, I think its effect on blood pressure is very dependent on the person and how their body responds to salt. If I eat more than about 2000mg/ day, I retain water and my blood pressure goes up and stays there until the water goes away. Other people may not be bothered by it. I think anyone who is trying to figure out if sodium matters should log their sodium intake and regularly check their weight and blood pressure to see if certain amounts seem to be having an effect on them.

    Also, just a note that Calcium is one of those supplements that everyone should be a little careful with. It can interfere with certain blood pressure medications and has other side effects if you take too much.
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    Low sodium diet. I brought my blood pressure down from dangerously high on medication to middle range of normal by completely changing my diet to low sodium. The bad news is, you will have to completely give up most processed foods, cook most of your food and religiously read nutrition labels.

    The big culprits are bread and baked good, boxed dinners, TV dinners and meat. Potato chips have less salt than most commercial bread. Places like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods are your friends, but you're going to have to learn to be extra mindful of what you eat. 1500mg of sodium a day is not easy.

    And anything that comes in a can is also full of salt. When I started reading labels for sodium numbers, it was the canned soups and such that really got me. Oh, and I was really surprised by cheese. There's more sodium that I ever expected, but as long as you don't get all crazy you can still fit cheese into a lower sodium diet.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I'm sorry about the loss of your mom. It's so difficult when a parent passes away.

    I have HBP. I've lost 66 pounds so far and that has helped. I lower my sodium, drink a lot of water and probably should reduce my caffeine intake. I'm also on meds. I have a friend who has to be on meds to control her BP and she is not overweight.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Losing weight and limiting sodium, for sure.

    This is what has helped me , along with moderate exercise.
  • kbtommi
    kbtommi Posts: 45 Member
    This has a been a big problem for me also. Like others have said, keeping my sodium intake to a maximum of 2000 mg (I'm on bp meds, btw) seems to help me a lot. On the days I go over I really notice it. Sorry about your mom. I know the high bp is a difficult thing to deal with esp. when you're already dealing with a lot of life stress.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Regular light aerobic exercise is the single most important factor for me in keeping my blood pressure in line. When I'm exercising regularly, regardless of my diet or weight my BP is between 120/80 and 105/65 .

    If I get lazy and DON'T exercise regularly, my BP has been known to be 145/95... not astronomically high.. but far from healthy.
  • Dr_Waffles
    Dr_Waffles Posts: 141 Member
  • kalywilliams
    kalywilliams Posts: 3 Member
    Everyone has a set of situations/issues/physical factors that can affect BP. How high is your BP? I work carefully with my chiropractor on nutrition and supplements to keep my BP at or below 120/80, and for me, I had to increase potassium and magnesium...and get more exercise. I have situations in my life that cause great stress, but when I exercise even 20 minutes a day--a walk, the stationary bike--my numbers seem to stay in line better. However, if there comes a day that these interventions don't work as well, then I'll have to consider prescription meds. Keep at it! Good luck!
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    I have lost about 40 pounds now and have about 30 more to go. A lot of my health markers have improved quite a bit, but my blood pressure hasn't come down as much as I would have hoped.

    I know I need to get more regular exercise and that is in the works. Meditation is something I've done on occasion, I could make that more a more regular occurrence.

    I have been under an incredible amount of stress recently (my mom was in an accident and ended up passing away a week later :( ) so I am sure that is not helping.

    Any tips would be appreciated, and I'll probably need some science to back it up if I don't want to hear what you are saying. :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    I'm sorry to learn of your mother passing away. I don't have any science for you - just my own experience.
    My doctor wanted me to go on blood pressure medication for about a year before he gave me an ultimatum. I then decided to get serious about my health and started exercising regularly again for the first time in years and adopted a calorie controlled diet. My exercise routine is essentially cardio-based. Initially it was almost exclusively RPM classes at the local gym but now I mix it up a bit with RPM and different cardio machines including treadmill, eliptical trainer, rowing machine and stationary bike. At this point in my training, I am focused on cardio-vascular training rather than strength.

    Four months after the ultimatum I went to see him again and he was ecstatic with my progress, my weight loss and reduction in blood pressure and told me that whatever I was doing, to keep doing it.

    The only change I have made to my lifestyle since then is that recently I have adopted a vegan diet. I was a vegan many years ago but I was recently watching videos on www.nutritionfacts.org and it just seemed like a good thing to do. If you have time, I also recommend CERG/NTNU: http://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/advice

    Other aspects of my lifestyle which probably have an impact on my blood pressure is that I neither smoke nor drink and I do practice meditation regularly.
    I wish you all the very best and feel free to "friend" me if you are looking for support.
    kind regards,

  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member

    Well that too.
  • I do think meditation can help, but it has to be done in combination with other exercises. I don't know whether that will help you, but there is a program that combines meditation with stretching, qigong (a Chinese TCM exercise) and zen thoughts. You may want to take a look at it at meditationwise.com
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Fortunately, i do not have high BP - actually too low sometimes.
    But my husband has been trying to control his for years.
    Best thing - lose weight
    Limit Sodium
    Exercise - he has found that even if he is doing everything else right, if he doesn't do some aerobic type exercise every few days,then his BP starts elevating. He cycles - and that works so well.
    Good luck - it takes experimentation to find the best formula for you. At least it did for him.
  • mel4bee
    mel4bee Posts: 225 Member
    Low sodium, good diet, less stress and more exercise.

    I was not overweight but I have anxiety disorder so my blood pressure was kinda out of control sometimes. (it once was like 180/110 when in a panic attack at the hospital - white coat syndrome big time) Before I started exercising and looking at what I eat it would be around 120/80-85

    Now it is more like 110/70 and more stable
  • jedigrover
    jedigrover Posts: 21 Member
    Power walking. Really, any type of exercise, but the "slow cardio" seems to do it best. Note that my "slow cardio" is walking at 4mph (15 minutes to cover a mile) or faster. As fast as you can walk without jogging. Every time I exercised, the next day my BP would be down. If I did not exercise, my BP would be up. That is regardless of medication & diet.

    For myself personally, I've found no correlation between my sodium intake and BP. As with anything that people try to fix with a hammer (just eliminate sodium, just eliminate fat, touch your nose while turning left on Thursdays...); test it yourself to see if it works for you.

    I now eat a Primal diet, and as such, eat almost NO processed foods. This probably helps a lot as well.

    The combo of exercising, and its result (weight loss) helped me. My BP meds have been cut in half 3 times. I'm now on the minimum dose & my doc has encouraged me to experiment going without it to see if my body will regulate it on its own. That's my last med. Even with the weight-loss, I was on a statin until I started Primal. I've responded so well to that, that I'm now off the statin (even though I eat more eggs and saturated fat than before--so much for the accepted "facts" and "settled" science).

    Everyone is different, and (IMO) the amount anyone actually knows about how the body works as a system is dwarfed by what we DON'T know.

    As an aside, I just did 23andme, and one of the genetic markers shows I'm pre-disposed to a higher risk of hypertension. This was not a surprise, as everyone on both sides of my family for 2 generations (at least) has had this issue. But just because I'm at a higher risk for it doesn't mean I have to succumb to it (just like alcoholism). I can choose to discipline my body.

    Experiment & see what works for you. Exercise probably plays a part. Diet probably plays a part. Other things also play a part (e.g., do you smoke?).
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Aim for no more than 1500mg sodium per day.

  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I had borderline HBP. I lost 40 pounds, quit eating processed foods and started running. My BP is now 110/70. I can't say just one of them did it, I think it is a combination of all 3.