Am I on the right track with my diet?

Hello everyone, I have been tracking my calories steadily for about two-three weeks now, and I want to make sure I am on the right track. My daily caloric goal is set at 2200 calories, split 40 % carbs / 30 % protein / 30 % fat. I typically eat more for protein (1g for every lb, which is 205g).

I usually have between 3-4 meals per day and eat as 'clean' as I can. My dairy is public so if someone could take a look and guide me in the right direction. Yesterday is pretty much a good example of what I eat every day. Yogurt + granola + protein in the AM, chicken + vegs for lunch, snack in the afternoon, dinner and protein shake at night.

Thanks all! Add me as a friend if you would like as well!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    What is your goal - weight loss, gain or maintenance? Have your set up your account accordingly? Is 2200 calories what MFP gave you? Is your diet something you feel you can stick to forever? Do you feel happy, energetic and satisfied? Is your weight going in the desired direction?

    Exactly what you eat, how many meals you eat, what you call your way of eating, is relevant only indirectly - you need a good mix of nutrients every day, and enough variety over time; you need to feel that your diet is in line with your values and beliefs, and you need to eat in a rythm that fits with your daily schedule.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would just say that there is no need to get that much protein. the 1g/lb is meant for lbs of lean body mass, but should be 0.8-1.0 grams. another option is to have a goal of 0.8 grams per lb of goal weight. In other words, that second protein shake yesterday would not have been required and could replace it with something else you enjoy (a beer, ice cream, more "healthy" food even)
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    Should be 1 gram of protein per pound of LEAN body mass (not total body mass). I did a body bod test to get my lean body mass but I am sure there are other ways to attain that information as well.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    your definition of 'clean' eating is interesting...
  • xunleashed
    xunleashed Posts: 82 Member
    I am looking for weight loss, I would like to get down to around 190-195lbs. I understand that what I am eating is not considered 'clean' eating, but I try to cut out as much *kitten* as I can. This diet is WAY better than my diet of chips when I get home, ice cream bars at night, and pasta for dinner 3 days out of the week.

    I have calculated my TDEE on a couple different sites and MFP recommended the 2200 calorie mark, which I felt was pretty accurate. I subtracted my TDEE by 15% and it was close to the MFP #.

    I am satisfied with this diet, the dinner I had last night was damn good I could eat it 3 times a week and I have plenty of energy during the day.

    I understand the 'protein rule' now and will cut that back a little, maybe even for some healthy carbs/fats.