MFP, slimming world and breast feeding

Well the dd no3 is now four months. We have routine, night sleep and something close to approaching sanity. The DD 1&2 are 15 & 11 so it's a big gap and a big relearn.

I never really lost weight after DD2, and my 5"5 frame is a fair bit on the roadside, I'm yet to brave scales and plan to do this at group next week and keep that as my weigh in point.

Group for me is next Monday and I've yet to step on scales but I'm sure I'm over my Pre baby weight by a fair bit


  • MooMooKass
    MooMooKass Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats on your baby! I used mfp to count calories while exclusively breastfeeding to help me lose weight with my last 3 babies. I just made sure to add in 300 extra calories for breastfeeding. I added it to the cardio section for exercise. I'm also close to 5'5" and do not have the smallest frame. Good luck!