No discipline!



  • lifestyle70
    lifestyle70 Posts: 126 Member
    Have you tried reconnecting with why you want to lose weight? How will you feel when you get to where you want to be? What are the positive and negative consequences for losing the weight? I have found when I am closely connected to my "why" and I can tie decisions back to feelings, then I will often pause and then make a better choice (not 100% of the time but more consistently).

    For example, if I overeat, I know how that feels and it is a feeling I want to avoid. I know how I will feel on a day when I have scheduled to go out and run and don't (both physically and mentally) so I ask myself, do you really want to feel that way? The answer is usually no. I might not crush the run - but I get it in and ultimately feel better after.

    Good luck as you continue to grow and find solutions. Please remember that you are more powerful than you can even imagine. Stick to it, be persistent and keep up the good fight!
  • JenDrea
    JenDrea Posts: 3 Member
    I have found that planning has worked best for me. I prepare my breakfast, lunch and snacks the night before. I too have a long commute and find that the morning snacks help with hunger until I arrive at work. Approximately an hour later, I eat my breakfast. I'm not as successful with dinner just yet. Baby steps!

    I know it's frustrating in the beginning and this journey is not without its challenges. The beauty is having the 'aha' moments and persevering. Don't be afraid to be flexible and try new things!
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    Planning ahead is really helpful. Prepare everything you can on a day off or a less busy night, it sucks losing that down time but you more than make up for it by having more time/less stress during the week!
    Also, try not to change everything at once. Just log everything for a while, once that becomes easy try adding more veggies or moving more. Since you want these changes to be long term there's no rush to change everything. I've gotten burned out and given up so many times with the all or nothing approach!
    Stick with it and you'll succeed!