How can I lose this stubborn thigh fat?



  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    A couple of years ago I got down to my target weight of 121 (5’2”), only to still have some mid-section fat. But my face was verging on gaunt and I didn’t want to lose anymore. Now I’ve raised my maintenance weight 5# and given up on getting the belly I had when I was in college. I did once have flat abs, but I was also running 60 miles a week. I’m now 63 and there’s only so much you can do what with genetics, free time, and your body’s ability to handle working out.

    I’d recommend you get to your target weight if not already there, then see overall if you want to lose a few more pounds, just so you can see what your legs and rest of your body look and feel like.
  • nettiklive
    nettiklive Posts: 206 Member
    I have the same body shape - skinny on top, store weight in my hips, legs and thighs, and my sister is the exact same, we both get it from our paternal grandmother. My mom and her mom have a totally different shape. I found this an interesting read:

    You can see all my ribs but I still have fat thighs, and the only time I was okay with them was at a BMI of 18.5 and even then they just looked 'average', not tiny but any means. I am finding that heavy lifting is helping to at least make them firmer and more toned-looking, so it's not just jiggly flesh. It kind of sucks. But on another hand, I remind myself that at least it's easy for me to achieve a flat stomach even after having kids. I definitely prefer it over an apple shape.
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    Your legs look like mine.
    My legs look like my mum's
    Her legs look like her mum's
    I understand that her legs looked like her mum's.

    Genetics. Even when super thin, some people get chubby cheeks, some get fat ankles, some get double chins; we get chunky thighs. I know it sucks, but you're probably going to have to accept that you're never going to be able to get rid of that fat unless you are seriously underweight.

    I used to really hate my thighs/knees area, it's still not one of my favourite areas of my body, but I've learnt to accept them, and live with the fact that I'll always be more hourglass/pear shape. On the bright side, fatter thighs are becoming slightly more "fashionable" and there are so many more accepting styles for those who have naturally bigger thighs (and I can finally buy jeans that fit around the thighs and the waist!).
  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    yeah - my legs are my least favourite bit of me. Losing fat does help a bit, but god only knows how much I would have to lose to actually have gazelle legs!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Lol I know I sound like a broken record here - but you can't spot reduce. That being said - SQUATS. Start working on building muscle!!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Squats won't target the fat but should make your legs more shapely by increasing the muscles of your quads. Romanian deadlifts are another great exercise for shapely legs which target mainly your hamstrings.

    It looks to me as if some of the "fat" on your inner thighs is actually loose skin, in which case getting more muscular will also help by filling up the skin and pulling it tighter.

    Best of luck to you - I have slim thighs but a pooch belly which was still there even when I was seriously underweight. That's just the hands we were dealt!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    xosunny520 wrote: »
    I know that as a female it will be more difficult for me to lose my inner thigh fat, but the way it gathers by my knees is so unflattering!

    Does anyone know the cause of fat collection in this area or what I can do, aside from proper nutrition of course, to improve the looks of this area? Photos are below.
    I am currently losing weight and making good progress but it seems I’ve had these fat pockets my whole life which is why I must know where they come from!

    Lol, your pictures were NOT what I was expecting, which was something indicating lipedema.

    How many more pounds do you have to lose until you reach your goal weight?
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Genetics. You cannot choose where you'll lose fat first or last, except through liposuction. Now, if you incorporate strength training for specific areas, you won't lose size (fat) from the area, but the increase in muscle will make that are look better.
  • Crochetmama84
    Crochetmama84 Posts: 224 Member
    I have thighs, butt, stomach, neck, and bat wing fat. I hate it all and want it to leave