Super bowl weight gain

Gained 3 pounds from pre-super bowl and it's already been 3 days. How do I recover?!


  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    Stick to your plan and be consistent. If its water weight from all the carbs and sodium it will disappear eventually and if its some or all fat a deficit will take care of that too.

    Either way dont let it stop you from continuing your way to you goal.
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    Get back on the horse!
    It's likely just water weight anyway.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member don't gain 3 Lbs of fat in one the math.

    It's water weight and possibly more inherent waste in your system. It's been 3 days...only 3 days.
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Do what you’ve been doing. It’s water weight, not would have needed to eat 10,500 calories over maintenance to gain 3 pounds of fat.

    That’s 100 hot wings extra ... possibly less if you make breadcrumb coated ones
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I posted something to my fit crew about the Super bowl... I wrote: Please don't use the Super bowl as an excuse to trash your body. You can have fun and still be mindful of the hard work you've done and the amazing strong body you're building! Or..... you can throw it all out the window with a 6-pack and giant plate of nacho's. But if you choose to do that, don't you dare wake up feeling guilty about it. Stand by whatever decision you make. But remember.... drinking a six pack won't give you a six pack.

    And I added the obligatory Go Pats.

    I reminded them not to use the Super bowl as an excuse to trash their bodies.

    Here's the thing. The game is over. You did what you did because you made a decision to do so. How do you recover? Simple, just get back on track.

    Super bowl, holidays, special events... they are all a good test of willpower, discipline and dedication. You know what you need to work on the next time around :smile:

    The fitness graveyard is filled with programs that required an absolute restriction on eating and drinking things that are enjoyable. A one day lapse in your eating program shouldn't be equated with "trashing your body" or "throwing it all out the window", it is "being human". Mitigate the impact by exercising that morning and perhaps limiting portions here and there, but enjoy yourself and then get back on track the next day, life will go on...

    Yeah, one day of eating is one day of eating. It's impossible to "trash your body" in one day. You can eat more calories in a day without being unmindful of the hard work you've done. This is such a black/white way of looking at things. It may work for some people, but for me it is the strict perfectionist mindset that kept me from being successful for years.

    Drinking a six pack won't give you a six pack. It also won't keep you from having one if you're being consistent with your training and goals on the days when it isn't the Super Bowl.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    "I gained from *insert special event" = you enjoyed the event, there's no rewind button, just go back to normal.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I posted something to my fit crew about the Super bowl... I wrote: Please don't use the Super bowl as an excuse to trash your body. You can have fun and still be mindful of the hard work you've done and the amazing strong body you're building! Or..... you can throw it all out the window with a 6-pack and giant plate of nacho's. But if you choose to do that, don't you dare wake up feeling guilty about it. Stand by whatever decision you make. But remember.... drinking a six pack won't give you a six pack.

    And I added the obligatory Go Pats.

    I reminded them not to use the Super bowl as an excuse to trash their bodies.

    Here's the thing. The game is over. You did what you did because you made a decision to do so. How do you recover? Simple, just get back on track.

    Super bowl, holidays, special events... they are all a good test of willpower, discipline and dedication. You know what you need to work on the next time around :smile:

    The fitness graveyard is filled with programs that required an absolute restriction on eating and drinking things that are enjoyable. A one day lapse in your eating program shouldn't be equated with "trashing your body" or "throwing it all out the window", it is "being human". Mitigate the impact by exercising that morning and perhaps limiting portions here and there, but enjoy yourself and then get back on track the next day, life will go on...

    Yeah, one day of eating is one day of eating. It's impossible to "trash your body" in one day. You can eat more calories in a day without being unmindful of the hard work you've done. This is such a black/white way of looking at things. It may work for some people, but for me it is the strict perfectionist mindset that kept me from being successful for years.

    Drinking a six pack won't give you a six pack. It also won't keep you from having one if you're being consistent with your training and goals on the days when it isn't the Super Bowl.

    Adding to that, it seems to me that many people who believe a single day will "trash" their body are really just unhappy with how they've been restricting their calories and looking for a reason to quit. Instead of doing that, why not take the time to figure out a way of eating that's sustainable? Too many people forget that in order to lose weight and keep it off, they will have to eat fewer (or burn more) calories for the rest of their life than when they were at their higher weight. Those "off the wagon" days can teach you a lot about yourself if you let them.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I posted something to my fit crew about the Super bowl... I wrote: Please don't use the Super bowl as an excuse to trash your body. You can have fun and still be mindful of the hard work you've done and the amazing strong body you're building! Or..... you can throw it all out the window with a 6-pack and giant plate of nacho's. But if you choose to do that, don't you dare wake up feeling guilty about it. Stand by whatever decision you make. But remember.... drinking a six pack won't give you a six pack.

    And I added the obligatory Go Pats.

    I reminded them not to use the Super bowl as an excuse to trash their bodies.

    Here's the thing. The game is over. You did what you did because you made a decision to do so. How do you recover? Simple, just get back on track.

    Super bowl, holidays, special events... they are all a good test of willpower, discipline and dedication. You know what you need to work on the next time around :smile:

    The fitness graveyard is filled with programs that required an absolute restriction on eating and drinking things that are enjoyable. A one day lapse in your eating program shouldn't be equated with "trashing your body" or "throwing it all out the window", it is "being human". Mitigate the impact by exercising that morning and perhaps limiting portions here and there, but enjoy yourself and then get back on track the next day, life will go on...

    Yeah, one day of eating is one day of eating. It's impossible to "trash your body" in one day. You can eat more calories in a day without being unmindful of the hard work you've done. This is such a black/white way of looking at things. It may work for some people, but for me it is the strict perfectionist mindset that kept me from being successful for years.

    Drinking a six pack won't give you a six pack. It also won't keep you from having one if you're being consistent with your training and goals on the days when it isn't the Super Bowl.

    Adding to that, it seems to me that many people who believe a single day will "trash" their body are really just unhappy with how they've been restricting their calories and looking for a reason to quit. Instead of doing that, why not take the time to figure out a way of eating that's sustainable? Too many people forget that in order to lose weight and keep it off, they will have to eat fewer (or burn more) calories for the rest of their life than when they were at their higher weight. Those "off the wagon" days can teach you a lot about yourself if you let them.

    Yes, too much restriction can make one prone to "blow out" days.

    Another thing to consider is that a limited number of "blow out" days in a diet that is otherwise consistently meeting calorie goals *is* also sustainable. In the past three years, I think I've had 2-3 days per year where I have basically decided to have however many calories I wanted. All the days were special occasion days where I had access to foods that were not easy to access at other times (one was a Christmas when my mom was cooking for me, another was a day when my husband and I were celebrating our anniversary in Las Vegas, etc). All the days were immediately followed up by getting right back on plan. On those days I didn't eat everything, I ate the things that I had special appeal but made no specific effort to limit my portions or meet a certain calorie goal. I personally find this to be a sustainable way to live the rest of my life. I know from looking at other successful long-term posters on here that it's a strategy that some others use too.

    On these days I didn't forget my body or my goals . . . I just realized that one day can't undo anything. It's the next day and the day after that . . . that is what you have to watch out for and be aware of.

  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I try to remind myself that skinny people enjoy parties, too. You've got the rest of your life to live. One day here or there is not going to be the end of the world.
  • Urbancowbarn
    Urbancowbarn Posts: 97 Member
    I gained 4lbs due to eating Thai Food Saturday night and then attending a Super Bowl party and eating more high sodium food—neither day did I go over my Daily calories. Today I’m finally down two pounds and hopefully back to normal over the next two days. I knew it was water weight so I didn’t freak out, but I know those fluctuations can be horrifying. Drink at least 12 glasses of water a day and flush that sodium out. Also keep an eye on your daily sodium intake. You got this.
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    I came back to this thread to reply to the "trashing your body" post too. You cannot live like that. It's not realistic and telling people that, It gives them the all or nothing mentality which is so defeating and a popular reason for failure. They will think well, what the hell, I trashed my body, may as well keep eating what I want.

    I ate over 3,000 calories Sunday, mostly during the game, was up 2.5 pounds Monday morning and down to a new low Tuesday morning. Sometimes it takes me 2-4 days for the water weight to come off. Don't sweat it, this is real life. Feel free to go over on special days and make sure to get back on track right after. Don't let it be an excuse to go off the rails. I go over every Sunday purposely and have no problem getting back on track the next day. Some people cannot do this. It allows me to not feel deprived. I prefer to do it in one day as opposed to a little here and there every day.

    This has to be sustainable for life so you need to balance life and losing.