Looking for support

Hi all!
This is about the 4th time back for me.
Hoping to lose 40-50lbs
But really I just want to get healthy
Looking for supportive people to become friends and help keep me coming back!!
Also looking for suggestions on meals and work outs!


  • brtgl
    brtgl Posts: 129 Member
    I have been doing cardio almost everyday for four years and have been mostly satisfied the results. However, I didn't realize the importance of strength conditioning (lifting weights) until recently and the results are even better. Here's a copy and paste of what I wrote earlier this morning for someone who had asked me about my routine.

    Several years ago, after pitching batting practice to my son, I found myself more winded than normal, so I decided to get back into shape. I had always been in good shape, but allowed myself to get "soft" while serving in my newfound role as a dad. So the kids bought me a Nike FuelBand, and I've been getting cardio in almost everyday.

    Two years ago, I joined LA Fitness, but hurt my shoulder about a month in, probably trying to lift too much too quickly. I rejoined last week and am now prioritizing a strength conditioning program. I haven't take any pics though.

    So to summarize, here's what I do daily:

    1. Watch what I eat and log everything into My Fitness Pal. My calorie limit is 1,500/day, but I typically eat back what calories I burn in cardio. For example, if I get 300 calories for jogging, my calorie limit increases to 1,800 for that day. I also don't eat anything after 8:00 PM, which is 3-4 hours before bedtime.

    2. I get in my 10,000 steps every single day... no skipping. Sometimes I even jog in place at home, but I usually go to the gym for this.

    3. I started the StrongLifts 5x5 program last week for strength conditioning.
  • Brittaney_218
    Brittaney_218 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for insight guys! I’ve been going to the gym at least 4-5 days a week the past few week. Trying to work my way up to an hour of cardio.
    And I do strength training after that either focus on arms/back or legs and abs. I feel my clothes getting looser and I know inches are better than the wonderful scale we all love! So I just started writing down my inches! Make sure one or the other keeps me motivated !