Anyone intermittent fasting? (16:8)

How many calories are you consuming while doing 16:8? I'm still trying to figure this all put.. Still new to me.

I'd also like fellow friends who IF of you care to add me


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Same calories as any other meal schedule.
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    edited February 2018
    You should figure out first, what calorie goal puts you in a deficit. Then eat to that number. When I switched to the 16:8 IF, I kept my goal the same as when I wasn't doing it. Lost weight at the same rate. Because I was eating in a deficit.

    ETA: I switched to the IF way of eating because I wanted to enjoy bigger meals. Didn't have time for eating throughout the day or 6 meals a day or whatever. Easier for me to eat "breakfast" at noon.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I was asking because I don't seem to lose on 1500 cals (mfp recomendations) if I intermittent fast or not.. I see a lot of people eating only 800 cals a day while IF so I'm just trying to figure out why I'm not losing

    If they’re only eating 800 calories either they have a medical reason to eat that low or they’re doing it wrong. How are you measuring your calorie intake?
  • ashleyhaaay
    ashleyhaaay Posts: 13 Member
    edited February 2018
    I am personally doing 18/6 over here. I am on day 2. I am only eating between the hours of 12PM & 6PM and I have my limit set to 1200 - I am actually trying to get it closer to 1000 calories a day (which isn't hard to do if you fill up on veggies and good foods). You can adjust your calories under goals & by adjusting your macros. If you eat under 1000 cals a day, MFP will not give you projections. I also do not consumer more calories when I work out - I keep it at a max of 1200 calories in and a min of 400 calories burned per workout.

    During my fast, I am drinking water (of course) and Aminos (I highly recommend!). I am only on day 2 but I feel great. I am trying to personally fast Monday - Friday with Saturdays and Sundays eating regularly. Also - I workout 6 days a week, 1 hour of cardio each time. Saturdays are cardio only & Sundays are my rest days.

    Here's my schedule:

    Wakeup - Rise & drink pre-workout w/ liquid L-carnitine (helps burn fat during cardio)

    I do about an hour of cardio (20m on elliptical, 30m on bike, treadmill if I feel like it) & then do weights or body weight exercises.

    I take a B-Vitamin (helps with energy and hunger) & fast until 12PM.

    12PM - *Lunch* - I take my vitamins at this time (multi, hsn, tonalin)
    Protein Shake (140 Cals) & Protein Bar (180 Cals)
    -or Protein Shake (140 Cals) & Turkey sandwich with thin swiss on a sandwich thin (about 190 cals)

    2PM - I have a snack - Hummus (50-70cals for 2TBSP depending on brand) & Baby Carrots (35 cals)
    sometimes I will have carrots and hummus with lunch instead of as a snack - I am usually full after lunch

    3PM - Protein Bar or some kind of snack (180 Cals)

    5PM - Dinner (I keep it around 350 Cals)

    I usually also adjust - if I know I am going to be under 1000 - then I will add some kind of vegetable to make up the calories - like 1 cup of green beans (35 calories) and salad (3 cups - 20 calories) w/ yogurt dressing (45 cals for 2TBSP).

    I hope this helps!

  • cypressfey
    cypressfey Posts: 9 Member
    I've not adjusted my calorie intake, still aiming at 1200. It seems that the weight comes off a little faster, with more ease. **

    I've been doing it for about 4 months. It's hard in the mornings, but my body is adjusting. I *think* I am seeing more ease in weight loss, but I'm doing it more for the long term benefits that I can't assess right now. All I can say is that generally it feels good.

    Glad to see other people are into this.

    **Footnote: I added the 16:8 variable to an exercise program that includes High Intensive Interval Training and weight training as well as being moderately - very active. The only variable added was the 16:8 and weight came off faster.
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    I was asking because I don't seem to lose on 1500 cals (mfp recomendations) if I intermittent fast or not.. I see a lot of people eating only 800 cals a day while IF so I'm just trying to figure out why I'm not losing

    If they’re only eating 800 calories either they have a medical reason to eat that low or they’re doing it wrong. How are you measuring your calorie intake?

    This! Was going to ask how you were measuring intake.

    However, if you are doing the "5:2" way of IF, you would eat 500 cals for 2 NON-CONSECUTIVE days, and then eat at maintenance on the other 5 days.
  • pandrew75
    pandrew75 Posts: 10 Member
    I have been 16/8 fasting for just over a year now, Currently I am on 1200-1300 cals daily for the time being. being in an aggressive calorie deficit at the current time.
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    I am personally doing 18/6 over here. I am on day 2. I am only eating between the hours of 12PM & 6PM and I have my limit set to 1200 - I am actually trying to get it closer to 1000 calories a day (which isn't hard to do if you fill up on veggies and good foods). You can adjust your calories under goals & by adjusting your macros. If you eat under 1000 cals a day, MFP will not give you projections. I also do not consumer more calories when I work out - I keep it at a max of 1200 calories in and a min of 400 calories burned per workout.

    During my fast, I am drinking water (of course) and Aminos (I highly recommend!). I am only on day 2 but I feel great. I am trying to personally fast Monday - Friday with Saturdays and Sundays eating regularly. Also - I workout 6 days a week, 1 hour of cardio each time. Saturdays are cardio only & Sundays are my rest days.

    Here's my schedule:

    Wakeup - Rise & drink pre-workout w/ liquid L-carnitine (helps burn fat during cardio)

    I do about an hour of cardio (20m on elliptical, 30m on bike, treadmill if I feel like it) & then do weights or body weight exercises.

    I take a B-Vitamin (helps with energy and hunger) & fast until 12PM.

    12PM - *Lunch* - I take my vitamins at this time (multi, hsn, tonalin)
    Protein Shake (140 Cals) & Protein Bar (180 Cals)
    -or Protein Shake (140 Cals) & Turkey sandwich with thin swiss on a sandwich thin (about 190 cals)

    2PM - I have a snack - Hummus (50-70cals for 2TBSP depending on brand) & Baby Carrots (35 cals)
    sometimes I will have carrots and hummus with lunch instead of as a snack - I am usually full after lunch

    3PM - Protein Bar or some kind of snack (180 Cals)

    5PM - Dinner (I keep it around 350 Cals)

    I usually also adjust - if I know I am going to be under 1000 - then I will add some kind of vegetable to make up the calories - like 1 cup of green beans (35 calories) and salad (3 cups - 20 calories) w/ yogurt dressing (45 cals for 2TBSP).

    I hope this helps!

    This is not advisable. If you are under a certain amount of calories, MFP will not allow you to close out your diary for the day. You should be working with the calorie goal MFP gives you, not less, and the least amount they give you is 1200, especially if you are exercising on those day. Eat back half of those calories.
    16:8 IF doesn't mean restricting your calories that much, it means eating your calories within a certain time frame. If you want to "fast" in that sense, you can do the 5:2 protocol which is eating 500 calories for 2 non consecutive days and then eat at MAINTENENCE level for the other 5 days. Please don't under eat. You'll end up crashing eventually.
  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    I've been doing IF for the past few weeks and have a calorie goal of 1200. I have a slightly smaller window to eat.
    I start at 5:00 with a small cup of cabbage soup. I eat dinner with my family by 6:00 and then have a hearty snack later.
    I log all my food and make sure I hit the 1200 calorie mark. I haven't really incorporated exercise yet (baby steps), but once I do I'll be eating back some of those calories. I also aim to drink 100oz of water.
    I had gallbladder surgery a couple of years ago and this formula of eating helps me manage some of my lingering symptoms. I've lost 9 lbs since I started a few weeks ago and find that I'm rarely hungry during the day.