Holiday diet?

So i've lost 10 pounds so starting to feel successful. But im now staying with my brother for 8 days who are a family of 4 so eat takeaways on the weekend and love a snack. Any tips on how to stay on schedule? Already feel bad as drove 8 hours today so no exercise and stuffed a mcdonalds at a service station!! Need help on this! Haha


  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Count your calories? That's what the app if for :)

    You could try having some lower calorie days when you are by yourself more, and then some maintenance days when you eat out with them.
    Take walks on your own and stay active.
    Cut a few calories here and there by not partaking in certain things you won't miss (for me, that's the bun on a burger, low calorie protein ice cream instead of regular, salsa instead of salad dressing).
    Offer to cook a couple meals.
    Order veggies on the side instead of something calorie dense.
    Fast for a longer part of the day
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Use a small plate to eat the meals. If you can choose, choose chicken for the takeaway. Don't stress about it. Don't even talk about it to them.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Good advice here. And yea, definitely don't tell them you are dieting.

    I eat out all the time. I've lost weight doing it. No biggie. Try to find a Starbucks next time instead of McDonald's.

    Also, read the book French women don't get fat. It's enlightening.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    It'll be a challenge, and you likely won't be perfect, so don't beat yourself up. Look at this as a learning experience.

    On takeaways, some tips:

    - Drink water or sugar free drinks, you can save a lot of calories that way
    - Similarly, skipping the fries can make a big difference. Burgers are not too bad on their own.
    - Plan in advance. If you know what kind of takeaway you're getting you can spend a bit of time on mfp logging different options to see how they compare.
    - decide beforehand that you will not eat the whole portion. They're too big anyway. Perhaps share it with a family member? Usually I would say keep half for tomorrow, but if there are going to be lots of takeaways that might not work out.
    - for pizza, decide beforehand how many slices you want and log it. Take your slices onto your plate and then just tell yourself the rest of the pizza is not for you. Eat your slices slowly and concentrate on enjoying them and on the conversation.

    You can do this. Like I say, you won't be perfect, but you will learn a lot and make yourself proud of your efforts.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    im leaving for mexico tomorrow.

    i will eat and drink to my hearts content.

    its a holiday/vacation. not every day all year. so i dont lose or have a slight gain. within a few weeks it will be off again. no biggie.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Eat appropriate quantities of what they eat, decline the snacks if you don't want them.

    Get about and about with them, do some fun activities together. Be the fun Auntie that plays with the kids not the miserable Auntie worrying about calories!

    Enjoy your time with your extended family.
  • salmarooni
    salmarooni Posts: 42 Member
    Thankyou! Proud of myself, said no to the sweets! Not too worried about the exercise now i've realised how exhausting it is running after a 2 and 5 year old! Haha
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Great advice so far. I agree that smaller portions are your friend. :) Don't eat until you're stuffed, just until you're no longer hungry. Fill up on lots of water. Enjoy your trip!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I went on vacation to Mexico a few weeks ago and didn’t pay any attention to my calories. I ate (and drank) what I wanted and I’m sure it was way more than I should have had. I think I may have gained a pound. No biggie. It’s vacation.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    Eat small portions of chicken takeaway food. The noodles, rice and veggies are all okay, just aim for staying close to your calorie goals. And here's my advice: when you get home and weigh yourself, and it looks like you gained weight, do NOT panic. Most fast food and restaurant food is full of extra sodium. You'll retain more water. Just drink more water to flush that salt out, and within 5 or 6 days you'll most likely be back to normal.