How to deal with (diet) soda cravings?



  • sportychic87
    sportychic87 Posts: 214 Member
    Going cold turkey is hard. We’ve tried it several times and failed. So instead, we switched to diet soda and have been buying sparkling water. Slowly it’s been working to reduce the household soda consumption.
  • Drakebalrog
    Drakebalrog Posts: 8 Member
    I have no answer for you but about 5 years ago, It got to the point where first thing i did in the morning (before brushing my teeth) was open up the fridge and have a nice cold bottle of coke. It made my mouth and brain feel good lmao. When I was in A-levels, I had a couple friends I would go to the gym with, i wasn't particularly fat (i think i'd look sort of fit to the avg person) but i realized it just was not good for me at alllll. I just thought about all that sugar and artificial crap i could avoid (from soda in general) so i sort of quit cold turkey, I can't remember how I weaned myself off of it but I did have a glass every once in a while (weekends with pizza, big meals etc). Now i just don't bother with it anymore since im really trying to lose fat (particularly around my belly).

    I realllly do hope you come up with a solution. I just think, "is it really good for me?" then decide from there but sometimes its easy to relapse and you end up feeling super *kitten* lol. So yeah i hope you come up with a long time solution. GOODLUCK
  • willsreb
    willsreb Posts: 48 Member
    I haven’t had time to read all the comments on here, just wondering if anyone can tell me why it’s so important not to drink diet soda? I always thought it was fine to drink? I have a Diet Coke maybe once or twice a week so if it’s something I need to stop I’d like to know :D
  • Jasp03
    Jasp03 Posts: 54 Member
    edited February 2018
    I used to drink a ton of sodas myself, regular, not diet. Throughout the day, 95% of what I would drink is that, the other 5% was coffee. That's right, I wouldn't drink much if any water at all.

    I had a few co-workers with the same problem and they had started drinking sparkling water in place of sodas and it worked for them. It sounded extremely weird to me that sparkling water would do the trick, but let me tell you - I'm glad I tried it. The taste took a little getting used to, but truthfully I didn't care. What I cared about is getting off of that poison. It's been over a year and a half since I last had any soda at all, and I now 95% of my liquids throughout the day is plain water.

    After the sparkling water eased me off of the sodas and I didn't need that carbonated feeling anymore (about 2-3 months), I took myself off of that as well. Easily top-5 best life decision I have ever made, to stop drinking sodas.

    I get that most people don't like the taste of carbonated water (sparkling water) - myself included, but when you're trying to break a bad habit, sometimes you just have to do what you had to do - chances are, you're not going to find an easy solution, you're not going to find a solution that tastes just as good. I've personally tried it all and there wasn't any short cuts. It's either cold cutting completely, or finding a substitute (and it won't compare in flavor, you just have to deal).
  • Jasp03
    Jasp03 Posts: 54 Member
    somrok wrote: »
    Even diet drinks make you CRAVE sugar. The artificial sweeteners are even worse than sugar for stimulating the cravings. Have you considered buying a soda stream or buying carbonated waters. There are several that have no sugar and no salt - some are flavored, some aren't. You will find that once you can change to these waters and then just water - your thirst will be quenched so much better. Right now you aren't actually quenching your thirst - these drinks are making you even more thirsty. For every glass of soda that you drink - commit to drinking 1 glass of water (or carbonated water) first. You are brave to admit this addiction - I am sure that is your first step. Best of Luck to You. Yes You CAN!!!!!!

    ^^ This. As I mentioned in my last post @jesslla, I come from the same background you describe if not worse (minus the hiding/stealing) and I can tell you from personal experience that what somrok is saying is accurate. The not-so-tasty carbonated water is what allowed me to stop drinking sodas and stop drinking sodas is what turned my life around.

    Soda for breakfast, lunch, dinner, soda in my hand at any other point in the day. I'd wake up in the middle of the night thirsty and would drink a 20oz bottle in about 15 seconds. I hated when people would tell me that soda wasn't quenching my thirst. The flavor was too good and I couldn't go without that carbonated feeling - I couldn't eat anything without that carbonation.
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Coke zero and cherry coke zero for life.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    If soda makes ypu bloated ao would aarkling water as the carbonation ia what causes gas etc
  • dotcomee
    dotcomee Posts: 36 Member
    edited February 2018
    Jasp03 wrote: »
    ...but when you're trying to break a bad habit, sometimes you just have to do what you had to do - chances are, you're not going to find an easy solution, you're not going to find a solution that tastes just as good. I've personally tried it all and there wasn't any short cuts. It's either cold cutting completely, or finding a substitute (and it won't compare in flavor, you just have to deal).

    Agree, I was a soda addict at one point. I had to quit cold turkey for awhile in order to get a grip on it. It's a very cleverly crafted cocktail that screws with your taste buds and brain.

    I had to get used to quenching my thirst with something other than soda. I also had to get used to the taste of food without a soda to go with it, because I thought it made food taste better.

    Once my taste buds adapted, now I can actually keep soda in the house and not chain drink it until's gone in a few days.
  • alicebhsia
    alicebhsia Posts: 179 Member
    have you ever tried kombucha? it's more expensive than soda and it's not something you would want to guzzle but i find it a nice refreshing drink somewhat like a soda. it's full of probiotics and doesn't make you bloated, plus the probiotics may help reduce bloating. otherwise you can mix seltzer water with a big splash of fruit juice for a nice less sweet fizzy drink.