Advice please?

uzitv Posts: 2 Member
Hi. I'm new here. I'm an 18 year old man, 5'9 and about 220 lbs. I just recently started cardio again after a 2 and a half year 'break'. I used to be 158 lbs. So yeah over that time I gained 60+lbs and started getting sick of my body.

I eat a lot I believe. I eat junk food, it's pretty much what my family brings home mostly. Not too much healthy stuff around the house but when there is, I could care less.

I also have trouble sleeping at night. I do have sleeping aid but it doesn't help that much. So on average I get 5 hours of sleep average, 6 at most. After 6 hours, my body automatically wakes me up for some reason. But this isn't per day because after I work, I come home to nap 3 hours or so. It's not healthy because that hinders my ability to sleep at night properly. I feel like this is the least of my problems though.

I don't eat breakfast if I'm not at work. I work 3-4 days out the week and eat a lot there. When I'm off, I usually sleep in and wake 10:00am or later. So I skip on breakfast and just eat snacks or order junk food.

On MFP after entering my stats and goal of 180lbs(for now), it recommended that I consume 2,710 calories per day. The issue is I can't possibly reach this without eating my heavy calorie unhealthy meals I used to. So far today, my first exercise of the week, I did a non-intense jog-walk pattern on the treadmill for about 78 minutes, purposely matching for 780 calories burned to keep track for convenience. If I hadn't worked out, just with dinner I feel like I can reach my goal. So far I've only eaten 1,482 and it's already 4pm. It says I have 2,008 more to go. What happens if I don't consume the total of 3,490 calories today? I feel like the only way I can reach this is to eat high calorie unhealthy meals, but afraid that will make me gain it back again.

I don't really understand how weight change works in this case. Do I stop cardio and just try and eat healthier with bigger portions? Help!
