Calories burned v. net calories burned

Any opinions on this.
For insance, at 195 lbs I burn roughly 1990 a day in couch potato mode according to MFP. That equates to about 85 or so calories an hour, roughly. If I workout and burn 500 calories according to HRM in 60 minutes and eat exercise calories, eating all 500 is too much, correct? Do you log calories burned or NET calories burned, ie 415 calories for that 60 minutes?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You should enter "extra calories" burned through exercise, which is the amount above what you would have burned at rest, so the 415 would be the correct amount.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I have seen so many different opinions on this one. I go back and forth on what I do. I lose the most weight by not using exercise calories. But I am much larger than you so what may work for me at over 350 pounds may not work for you. I highly recommend only using half of calories burned from exercise if you want to. Because you know MFP site is way off on calories expended in my opionion and HRM are not 100 percent accurate either but they are definitely more accurate than MFP site. I wear a HRM also and I do not workout without it and I use this for what I eat when I do eat exercise calories.

    I hope this helps.